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Can anyone reccomend a physio around London area?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:15 pm
by bunny
Hi. I am quite new here.
I have suffered with pudendal pain for around 10 months now. I got advices from Welcome section nice girls to find a PN aware physio. I would like to use NHS route for helping me with my treatment. If you have some private therapist I would also welcome any contacts. What costs I would have to look at?
My pain has been progressing recently very quickly and I simply cannot sit at work. Hard to make such huge changes to work part time or even quit job. As far as I know (from reading your posts) it's hard to get any benefits with this condition too? If you have any advices I would really appreciate. I have got some advices about using ice and some other meds now.
I am in beginning of my a treatment. For now just on meds but still need a proper diagnosis and a specialist care. I am hoping to get to dr Baranowski with nhs too. Do you know how much does he charge privately? And what is the waiting time?
Please help guys

Re: Can anyone reccomend a physio around London area?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:42 pm
by molly
Hi Bunny,

So sorry you have this debilitating condition.

Dr B. five years ago was charging &450 per hour, I have no idea how long his waiting list is, or how much he is currently charging. He did have a very good secretary back then who if still there would be able to givd hou up to date details.

As far as a physil goes, Maria Elliot works in the London area and is well qualified in pelvic pain, you can either goggle her or find her in physio section. Hope this is helpful.

Regards Molly

Re: Can anyone reccomend a physio around London area?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:30 pm
by bunny
Hi Molly,

Thanks for you reply.
That's really a lot of money for a consultation. Did that include nerve block as well or else what did that include?
I am still quite desperate, and don't want to wait 9 months to see him through NHS. I was also looking at some posts and read (not sure if thats correct at the moment) that at Nantes they charge around 500E for a nerve block and also 500E for a PNMLT testing. I wonder how long is it from 1st consultation to the first nerve block?

Take care and thanks again

molly wrote:Hi Bunny,

So sorry you have this debilitating condition.

Dr B. five years ago was charging &450 per hour, I have no idea how long his waiting list is, or how much he is currently charging. He did have a very good secretary back then who if still there would be able to givd hou up to date details.

As far as a physil goes, Maria Elliot works in the London area and is well qualified in pelvic pain, you can either goggle her or find her in physio section. Hope this is helpful.

Regards Molly

Re: Can anyone reccomend a physio around London area?

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:30 am
by molly
Hi Bunny,

That was just for a consultation.

Nerve blocks came in around &2000! each and no they did,nt help, in fact irritated the nerve further,but are necessary for diagnostic purposes. Having said that I had five with Dr B which I think is too many, the french team do a maximum of three I think.

Alternative options for you are Dr Greenslade in Bristol I think about half that rate, or go directly to Nantes whefe the blocks are said to be superior and a lot less including the travel.

Judy on pelvic pain health unlocked, can put you in touch with the French team.

Regards Molly

Re: Can anyone reccomend a physio around London area?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:11 pm
by bunny
Thanks Molly,

I am sorry to hear that the blocks didn't help you. From what I read I think there is very few people that get a longlasting help from them. Or maybe they just don't bother to come back when they get cured.
I am still waiting for reply from dr B. In the meantime I got recommended pelvic floor aware PT Maria Eliot in London. I have made an appointment to see if she can do anything for me.

Take care