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Leg pain when sitting down

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:33 pm
by bma
Hello, my symptoms improved in the genital area. But now I feel burning in the interior parts of the thigh and feet. This increases when I sit, or after going to the bathroom. Also worse when I lengthen. I read about the spasms of the piriformis muscle, read about the internal obturator muscle and do not know if the pudendal is healing, but the piriformis is sick or is referred pain (sciatica?). Almost anyone experienced pain in the legs only? Mostly, superficial in the skin.

Do not feel almost no rectal pain, penis or perineum. Only slight burning. I can sit for up to two consecutive hours. And then begins the burn,"wet", in my legs. This has disrupted my sleep. There is an intolerance to contact with tight pants and rough fabrics.

Re: Leg pain when sitting down

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:29 pm
by alexm
Hi there,

I get some leg pain too, but I have just had a hip scope so it could well be linked to that. It sounds like sciatica to me. I used to get it down the back of then legs and even in my big toe.

Much love

Re: Leg pain when sitting down

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:22 am
by bma
I really do not know. I have this burning sensation in the legs (inner thighs). I made my first PT session and I left with zero pain (but returned due to over-stretching). For a few months, had penile burning when sitting ... Currently, everything is in the legs. Flare-ups in the legs. I feel a pain that seems to be the piriformis, but it is a muscular pain. Maybe the internal obturator nerve. "Cross talk" nerves? But that would be all the pain?

Thanks and take care

Re: Leg pain when sitting down

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:00 am
by Violet M
I had severe inner thigh burning pain caused by the obturator internus muscle being in spasm. In my case it was because the pudendal nerve was entrapped and irritated causing the OI muscle to spasm. The pudendal nerve runs along a course right next to the OI muscle. Internal PT caused me severe flare-ups so I'm wondering-- since PT helped you it seems less likely that you have a nerve entrapment? I don't know.


Re: Leg pain when sitting down

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:30 am
by deBBieW
Some days I can have no pain in the genital area, and just get anterior thigh burning, (98% bilateral, mirror) down to my knees, and sometimes into my calves. It must be a central sensitization.
Sometimes, I can have low abdomen burn, and then it can be ischial burn... sting, and then I have had 5-6 days in a row with no burn pain, and just muscle tightness (I'll take that any day).
I must say that in the last year, I've had longer periods of low pain, or almost no pain.

I get very pumped when that occurs, but then it takes a day like today (lots of burn?!?) to remind me that it's not gone, but I like to think that maybe all the PT, and meds, and me being careful are sort of helping :) - nerve is calming down hopefully.
It's to the point that it's very difficult to even explain my pain to medical personal, it's so mixed, on and off. I'm grateful it's not 24/7, but I'm at a loss as what brings on the burn in just a few moments.
I've been taking turmeric - 4 caps a day - a suggestion from my PT. It can help diabetics with neuropathic pain, so I have been taking it about a month. I was thinking it was helping a bit, but today I guess proves that wrong.

Burning pain stinks! I also get a very intense prickly feeling in my legs, maybe that's not the best description, but with the burn, it can feel prickly.
Does anyone else get that? I don't like cold wind on my legs anymore. You would think the cold air would feel good for burning, but it doesn't.

Best of luck to everyone, we need it!


Re: Leg pain when sitting down

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:43 am
by Violet M
Hi Debbie,

That's great that you are having some better days. ;) Usually burning pain for me was was delayed by several hours or a day after I did something to aggravate the nerve but sometimes there was no explanation for it. Not sure about the prickly feeling you are describing. Is it like restless leg syndrome at all? I've had that before and I guess drugs like lyrica can help it. Never tried lyrica since I can usually manage it with exercise but...when you have PN it would be hard to exercise.


Re: Leg pain when sitting down

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:34 pm
by deBBieW
Hi violet,
Yes I am thrilled that I've had these longer episodes of less all around pain, especially less burning. Those are the days I don't want to stretch, do core, or write in my journal etc., I want to be normal and not do all that stuff that reminds me, and many of you, that we are tied to PN.
My PT always says, see that means your body is capable of that lower , or no pain level. I try to remind myself of that when I get my burning flares. It's best to keep my frustration levels down any way I can, extra frustration always leads to exaggeration of pain.
I was on ropinirole (sp?) for a few months for restless leg, that didn't seem to make a difference. I think the prickly feeling is just another part of the over stimulation of nerves, and associated with the burning.

Take care,