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Alcohol Helps?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:45 pm
by joeparz
Hello EVeryone

Just noticed something a little strange, was wondering if anyone else had the same experience with alcohol.

I have been drinking more than usual these past few weeks, and i noticed an improvement in a few things when i had a couple beers.

My urine retention was much better as alcohol is diuretic, i was finally able to have a sense of relief when i peed rather than only peeing a little bit and feeling like theres more.

I also was able to get erections easier, which i know makes no sense as alcohol usually makes erections worse. But the last two sexual encounters i had in the last 2 weeks, i had a glass of wine and a few beers, and was able to get an erection. Not like my normal self. but hey i will take anything at this point.

What are other peoples experiences with alcohol. I also notice the tightness in rectum and and general pain is mostly gone.

Re: Alcohol Helps?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:56 pm
by Searching
You know I was going to post something similar! Not sure about erectile function but on Tue I walked down to the pub to meet a few friends and unfortunately they had found a table so were sitting down! I took a seat and felt a bit of a tingling etc, no pain, just couldn't get comfortable. After a couple of pints though I was much more settled. The buzzing, tingling in my groin had gone away. Yesterday I had a horrible persistent sexual arousal/all over body tingling episode. When I get home it had subsided somewhat but I poured myself a large-ish glass of red and it seemed to subside completely. Don't want to start myself up the road to alcoholism - I barely drink at the moment, certainly below the governmental recommended levels, but it seems to help a bit

Re: Alcohol Helps?

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:50 pm
by Jax87
I don't have a penis and I rarely drink, but maybe your symptoms are better with alcohol because it is a nervous system depressant? Would it work similarly to a drug like Lyrica that calms down your nervous system? Maybe you could look into that if you haven't already. I agree that alcoholism isn't the answer, but maybe you have stumbled onto something that will help you find a medication to treat your symptoms. Good luck!

Re: Alcohol Helps?

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:07 pm
by knitwit
]I don't drink - period! But last night my entire house was empty of adult children and grandchildren, - so my husband said, "how bout a gin & tonic? we have just moved to a new home and a lot of stress relieved, and you know what? It felt so good! I only had a weak one because of all my meds but we both totally relaxed,and even started laughing at "back in the day stories" we would get trashed. We hugged each other remembering the good times and friends! I think moderation is key of course and you have to watch it with your meds.

Re: Alcohol Helps?

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:51 am
by Dave
I suppose there's a reason for the expression "feeling no pain." Historically speaking, booze has been used as an anesthetic, and no doubt it blurs pain and relaxes the muscles.

Sorry to be a mother hen, but please keep these in mind when having a drink:

1) Alcohol can interact with antiepileptics, antidepressants, narcotics, etc. Please consult your doctor, and avoid driving in potentially unsafe circumstances.

2) Drink water too. Don't let alcohol dehydrate you because that can cause constipation.