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Have your syptomes changed over the years?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:18 pm
by Vogel1
Hi there,

I am new in this forum but have been reading threads for quite a while. After one year of consulting various doctors whitout any tratment nor diagnosis I did some internet reseach and voilá: PN symptomes as described on this site fitted to what I had experienced the whole time.

After 18 months of pain exclusively while sitting (although varying from day to day) the pain nowerdays may also start during the morning even BEFORE I sit down. So my question is whether any of you has over the long time different pain or situations when the pain arises?

My personal details: female, 50 years, living in Germany


Re: Have your syptomes changed over the years?

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:42 am
by stephanies
Hello Andrea,

It is not unusual for symptoms to move or change, all the while staying within the distribution of the PN. There have been times that I have only had vulvodynia pain and then both vulvodynia and rectal pain. Sometimes maybe pain more on one side than the other. Do you believe your pain is worsening? Do you have a doctor who may be willing to learn about PN pain that you can consult with? There are many articles on this site that you can print and take to your dr. to help you explain your pain and situation.


Re: Have your syptomes changed over the years?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:13 pm
by Vogel1
Hi Stephanies,

yes, the changing of the location of pain is the same with me. And worsening as far as the painfree periods seem to become less. During the first year there was even a period of 7 weeks where I was hopeful that my pain had come to an end. But...meanwhile I am happy about 4 days without pain.

Still looking for a doctor in Germany who is experienced with PN patients. I always mention this homepage because I find the information on PN very plausible and helpful.

Cheers, Andrea

Re: Have your syptomes changed over the years?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:55 pm
by blightcp
I agree with everyone, the pain can shift. Some days are better than other and other days are worse. If I do too much on a day the pain will flare up for several days and then calm back down.