dr Baranowski

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dr Baranowski

Post by lunepremiere79 »


I am new to this forum. I was formally diagnosed with PN about a year ago, but had the pain for over 2 years now. Have been on amitriptyline for 10 months but couldn't stand the side effects, so just weened myself off over the past few weeks. Had to wait for a consultation with one of Dr. Baranowski's consultants for 8 months, who sent me for a couple of nerve blocks (made no difference) and to see a physiotherapist, who gave me a list of reading/books with exercises, but said there is nothing else they can do for me since I am not in agonizing pain. They are also refusing to send me for an MRI scan, even though I thought that's would have been the first step? I've read Amy Stein's book and have been following the exercise routine religiously now for about 2 months and I feel like as long as I make sure I am not too anxious during the day and remember to do the pelvic drop during the day, my symptoms subside..Ive also been doing internal work on myself and I feel like everything together has been helping, though I realise there is still a lot of work to do, but part of me is wondering what if it's something more sinister? something that I won't know until I get a scan? i've asked for an MRI scan several times now, but the consultant I saw is no longer at UCLH and am waiting for another appt with another consultant, but I don't know how long it will take. I just got the u-shaped cushion, so will see if it makes a difference, but its not something i'll be able to use at work, since we have a hot desk policy and it will just look odd to people/they will start asking questions which i wouldn't want to answer, plus my job is very stressful and it's not an option to go part-time.. Feel a bit stuck, really hoping that exercises and internal massage will start paying off very soon. It's so hard to keep head up some days..
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Re: dr Baranowski

Post by chrissy »

Hi I was referred by dr B for a GAD MRI scan at the sports institute on Tottenham court rd in London. Could you ring his secretary and ask if you can be referred? I had mine prior to the nerve blocks (the day before) I think the place is called the institute of sport and health or something-can't remember now but I started a topic on it under MRI which had the details
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Re: dr Baranowski

Post by lunepremiere79 »

Thanks for this info Chrissy! Can I ask if you've seen Dr. B privately or through NHS? I am seeing him on NHS and so far they see no reason to send me for an MRI test (not sure why - they didn't give me a clear explanation)
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Re: dr Baranowski

Post by chrissy »

I saw him privately actually I'm sorry to report. It was with insurance I had through my husbands work. I believe the scan I had would cost around £1000 if you wanted to pay for it yourself xx
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