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Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:35 am
by Richard1969
Hi All....especially male patients. I had three blocks today.

1-Right side pudendal block
2-Right side Piriformis muscle injections in 3 spots
3-Ganglion Impar block

My pain has been at the right side of my glans and coccyx. I'm 8 hours post and rather relaxed. Slight tingle in my glans but not the usual burning.

Has any other male patients have any input on expectations? I was told that the steroids will take 2-5 days to start working.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and suggestions.

Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:22 am
by Violet M
Hi Richard. Just wondering how you are feeling several days later. That's quite a bit you had done in one day!


Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:50 pm
by Richard1969
Still feeling good. I have kept my activities low. Simply minimal stretches.

Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:45 pm
by Richard1969
It's been three weeks and pain is slowly creeping back. Slight pain at glans still, but not as bad as it has been in the past. Noticed my piriformis muscle is getting tighter again. Did yoga last night and it helped. Going to do external piriformis and hamstring trigger point and external massage tonight. Next PT appointment is for Monday for internal piriformis treatment.

Does anyone know why pain doctors want to schedule injections 8-10 weeks apart?

Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:48 am
by Violet M
Richard1969 wrote:
Does anyone know why pain doctors want to schedule injections 8-10 weeks apart?
My understanding is that it is to allow time for the steroid to work and to avoid giving too much steroid at once.


Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:58 pm
by Richard1969
Wanted to update. I had Physical Therapy on Monday (Internal focus on piriformis). I did Yoga last night. It's been one month since my multiple injection approach (piriformis, Pudendal Canal, and ganglion impar). Still only slight pain. My believe is that my pain is originating from my sacrum. Whether it is due to irritated nerves, therefore the ganglion impar block, a tight right piriformis muscle, or the Pudendal canal; I'm still not sure. Just know that when I am relaxed and have done stretches the pain is less and discoloration of the glans of my penis is more normal.

Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:13 am
by Richard1969
Okay everyone. I had the following three injections done today:

-Right side Piriformis muscle injections in 3 spots
-Ganglion Impar Block
-Superior Hypogastric Plexus block

I will be tracking my progress and reporting back the results. As always, my two and only symptoms are coccyx pain and pain on the right side of my glans.

Wish me Luck.

Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:18 pm
by blightcp
I have had over 10 blocks into alcock's canal/PN canal over the years. In the beginning it dis help for 4-6 weeks. But I had three severe entrapment's between both sides and in different areas once they operated by the TG method.

I also have had internal PT for years keeping my pelvic floor in check.

My understanding of the nerve blocks is along the same lines as violet.

1. The steroid takes some time, days not weeks to take effect
2. If the nerve is able heal that takes weeks, esp. for nerves, to happen and you don't want to disturb it.
3. Too much of the steroids can weaken and break down the tissue around it,this take a long time to occur but that is why the limit is typically 3 injection series max over 6 months.

Have you tried and injection directly into alcock's canal/PN canal?

Feel free to PM me.

Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:18 am
by flyer28
Richard 1969, how are you feeling? now it is one month from your second round of blocks, what was the outcome? If there was any improvment which block do you think made the difference?

Re: Relaxed muscles after multiple blocks

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:36 pm
by Richard1969

My improvement from the blocks has been limited at best. I still receive my best relief from yoga, hot baths, and stretching. I travel extensively for work. Therefore, it's going to take longer for me to recover. My pain in coccyx is less. Pain at glans is getting less. Tramadol seems to be a good pain break through medication for me.