? pudendal nerve injury ?

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? pudendal nerve injury ?

Post by woodsfield123 »

I would be grateful for advice.
I am a fit and healthy 30 year old. I am happy in a loving relationship. I am fit with a bmi of 21.
i dont suffer from depression or anxiety.
I essentially have reduced sensation in my penile and scrotal region.
I have normal interest in sex, and able to get an erection., and ejacualte , but their is no orgasm sensation.
This problem started when i was 21 , and i felt something go in this area, ( i dont cycle )
I am not sure what to do, i live in the uk and am unaware of any doctors who specialise in this area.
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Joined: Sat May 24, 2014 8:50 am

Re: ? pudendal nerve injury ?

Post by Bertie »

I am from the U.K, I don't know if you have PN but Dr Baronowski is the man to see in London, private appointment is £400.00 and will be money well spent. There is also some one on Bristol a Dr Greensdale (sp).
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Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:08 pm

Re: ? pudendal nerve injury ?

Post by ladybird »

Hi there,

I bought a book online called "Living with Pudendal Neuralgia" and it is written by a woman from the UK...called Maragret Stubbs.

http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Through-P ... 1456773720

She mentions the names of some UK based Drs and groups that are aware of and manage PN.

Have you tried any non-surgical treatments in the meantime like a TENS machine, hot baths, dry skin brushing, specific exercises to open up the hips/lengthen the pelvic floor muscles or reverse kegels? Plug into this group bc there are specific pieces of information Drs won't necessarily have at their finger tips. x
My pelvic pain presents as a constant dull ache, fluttering/buzzing throughout my pelvic region. My pelvic diaphram is stressed due to my musculoskeletal system adapting to my uneven hips, which reduces blood flow to the nerves/muscles which is why I believe I have chronic pelvic pain.
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