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follow up consultation

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:29 pm
by esthome
I saw the Colo rectal consultant last week to discuss my on going symptoms following childbirth 10 months ago. I have rectal heaviness and vagina and rectal pains. My new pain in my bottom is an ache. It comes and goes through out the day and is annoying, dull and sometimes like frostbite but luckily it's not excruciating. I mentioned to the consultant about a nerve block but he said he didn't think it would help with this sort of pain I have. What I took from the consultation is that I have nerve damage - pudendal neuropathy but not entrapment. I feel he was saying I have the symptoms but not the disorder if that makes sense.

I'd just like to hear others view on this.

I'm now on 50mg amitriptyline and 150mg pregablin. This has dulled my pain but not taken it away. I still hope that I may improve from my traumatic delivery.

Re: follow up consultation

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:32 pm
by janetm2
Many people have just PN with the symptoms without the entrapment. Have you seen a PN aware physical therapist? There is a list off the homepage. Your rectal.pains could be muscle spasms and PT may be able to relieve that pain or help figure out a cause and treatment.

Re: follow up consultation

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:56 am
by Violet M
For an overview on the difference between pudendal nerve entrapment and pudendal neuralgia or neuropathy you can read one of the frequently asked questions on the website at the following link:

Good luck sorting this out. Hopefully your nerve will heal and the pain will fade over time.
