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KT Tape

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:38 am
by desperate
Has anyone ever tried KT Tape (kinesio taping) any various muscles and see if it helps certain symptoms ?

I recently dislocated my AC joint and bought this stuff. Anyways I started thinking about biomechanical movement and all our tension. If we taped the muscles to elongate this may put the muscle on a tiny stretch. And in time throughout the day improve symptoms. Again, totally brainstorming. Maybe no validity to this but I'm willing to try to be honest.

Just wonder if anyone tried similar stuff.


Re: KT Tape

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:47 am
by desperate
I guess the user "nyt" already posted about this back in 2012. Guess there is some validity to it. It helped her/him. I guess it would have to be consistent and used with chiro/osteo treatments to have an effect. But worth checking out guys.

Re: KT Tape

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:10 am
by Violet M
Dom, my PT had me use it to try to stabilize the pelvis but I can't say that it really helped. Maybe I didn't use it long enough though.


Re: KT Tape

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:37 am
by solarmom
Hi Dom
I had a pt that tried that.After she realigned my pelvis she sent
me home taped up for a couple of days. I would advise having a
a pt do it. I can't say it made a huge improvement but it did make
me feel like i had some support for the glutes and piriformis,
which might have helped the obturator tightness...
If it hadn't been in such screaming spasm...
Stupid obturator. mentions a therapist who used
tape to keep the coccyx in place after manipulation

Re: KT Tape

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:28 am
by desperate

Ya I think I'll manage over a PT. I feel like I know more than a PT at some of this stuff anyway. I can manage. But ya it can definitely help put the muscle in a short stretch. In time possibly releasing the muscle completely. It totally makes sense to me.

Figuratively speaking it should work. But you'd need to be consistent with it. And this damn tape is rather Expensive. But another tool to use to get better.