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unknown causes

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:19 pm
by laura101
I suspect that I have pudendal neuralgia. However, I have no other illnesses, no previous surgery, I did not fall...Doctors did not find anything wrong with me, they performed a lot of tests and everything is ok. I've always been a healthy woman. It would be very helpul if someone with pudendal neuralgia with no additional health conditions could answer this post and explain me a little about her experience. I am desperate.
It also would be very helpful if someone who has problems with the pudendal nerve but has not a extreme condition could explain me her/his experience.

Re: unknown causes

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:32 pm
by Violet M
Hi Laura,

So it sounds like your symptoms just developed out of the blue? Often people with PN have an idea as to what might have triggered their symptoms but not always. I was very healthy when my symptoms started and the doctors couldn't find a cause but my physical therapist helped figure it out.
