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Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:34 pm
by zephyrho
Dear all

My name is Zephyr.
I am a 25 year old Taiwanese girl who suffering from PN for about ten months,
(sorry for my poor English or grammar mistakes. )

It seems like just few people have PN in Taiwan,
there aren't much information. it's good I found this website.

I have lost my job and my boyfriend left me for this.
He thinks I just find an excuse of breaking up.
I reject social activities. Friends of mine don't know why, it's really hard and embarrasing to explain...

Don't know where my life will be,
I am afraid this pain will not allow me to have sex again, not to mention getting marry or having babies.

My symptoms:
1. numbess, pins and needle pain in vagina, labia, anus, ,thighs.
2. sitting is available but not so comfortable.
3. buring or cold feeling in the pelvis( can not define exactly where)
4. labia seems really sensitive to be touched.

I wonder it's cause by sexual actitivy? Could masturbation cause this? I had maturbated several times when I was 23,
(I regret this a lot, I think I cause my pain....)

sometimes my ex boyfriend rubbed my vagina quite rough during sex a lot of times,
I feel pain and uncomfortable but I didn't stop him.
Could this behavior irritate the nerves?

Before this pain happens, I have the urination frequency problem.

One good thing is I found out I had quite a severe pubis pain still four months ago,
now it's almost gone, but the labia pain and sensitive is still there.

I have done 4 four times of nerve block, not much work,

I am now taking 75 mg of lyrica to reduce the niddle pain,
but I know lyrica is not good for taking a long time.
I have seen some successful examples on the forum,
Could I ask intercourse is now available for those people?

Thank you for your reading.
and i hope somebody have or had the similar symptoms could give me some advice or help.


Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:17 am
by Violet M
Hi Zephyr,

Not too sure what to suggest for someone living in Taiwan because I don't know what's available there. First of all, I doubt very strongly that you caused this problem by anything you did. It's not normal to have the kind of pain you are describing after sexual activity so you have to consider that there is some underlying cause.

With the right treatments many pudendal neuralgia patients are able to have intercourse again. I hope you will be able to find some treatments that help you. When you had the nerve blocks did you have any pain relief even for a few hours?


Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:39 pm
by zephyrho
Hi Violet,

Thank you for your reply.

I have done the MRI and check for cancer, but none..
and the doctor said riding bikes may cause this pain, therefore, could masturbate or orgasm cause this pain?

When I had nerve blocks, I may have few mins relief and the niddle pain comes back soon.
I also asked for the lidocaine cream, should I use it on the labias? I am quite afraid it will irritate more?

Thank you.


Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:28 pm
by Susanjane
Dear Zephyro,
You didn’t mention whether there had been a particular physical incident which set this all off? From your posts, it does seem like you are struggling with guilty emotions which are very destructive. Only you will know how big a part these play in your overall problem. There is a huge amount of psychology attached to the pelvic area, especially the genitals. Even the word ‘pudendal’ comes from a Latin word meaning ‘shame’. If possible, you may find it beneficial to get some professional help with this particular aspect of your problem. Hoping you can find a way towards recovery soon. Susanjane

Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:19 pm
by Rosemary
Hi Zephyro

You did however mention rough sex with your boyfriend and i have been told that vigorous rubbing can irritate the nerves.

This older thread may be worth reading ... l+activity

Rosemary X

Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:22 am
by ezer
I may be reading too much between the lines but it appears to me that you may have been in an abusive relationship. As susanjane said, emotions attached to the pelvic area and to our sexuality can have a devastating effect especially when compounded with a history of child abuse or trauma.

Rosemary, I read the first line of your link and the OP said:
I'm a 19 year old female with no previous medical history except for a few disc bulges. About 2 months ago under extreme stress and had lower back pain and cramping in groin similar to period cramps
Stress again and again as a chronic pain trigger.

Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:06 am
by Rosemary
ezer wrote:
Stress again and again as a chronic pain trigger.
From my experience i agree - stress has done me no favours.

Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:14 am
by Rosemary

Just reading your post again there i think there are some positives

You have only had this for ten months and you say that your pubis has got better so the rest may now heal too.

I was told 2 years with medication for things to get better then to reduce the medication.

You are only aged 25 so i think any irritated nerves have a chance of healing.

Rosemary X

Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:28 pm
by zephyrho
Hi Susanjane,
yes very guilty emotion, I lost my job which can have a opportunity to be trained for one year in USA, which is my dream, and
now is gone cos my stupid behavior...
When the pain happened I had massage at the back and waist but every doctor I met said not related.
I have read your post that you recover by mindbody connection, will it work for physical pain?

Hi Ezer, Recently I have read some of your successful stories too, which is really inspiring.
Hope it will work for me since the nerves has been irritated.
I am not painful all the time, but the labia is so sensitive.
but I when I touch my labia, the feeling is not comfortable, and the weird feeling
will spread to up and down.
the doctor said is the substance p cause it.

Hi Rosemary, yes I think the nerves of labia has been irritated, will I have a chance to have sex without pain?
I don't know...
now going out and see normal girls who can have a boyfriend and job, normal. makes me feel not confident of myself.
yes I hope the nerves will get better.

Thank you, it's really nice to have some people that I can talk to. : )

Re: Hi I am from Taiwan

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:19 pm
by ezer
All the people that have recovered with the mindbody technique had intense physical pain, nerve irritation, and pelvic floor dysfunction . I was diagnosed 5 times with pudendal nerve entrapment. When the pudendal nerve was probed by a PT it would flare me up for days.
The pain is real. The pelvic floor is spasming and squeezing the nerves. psycho-physiological, psychosomatic, somatic dissociation or however you want to call it does not mean the pain is invented.