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pain meds and constipation

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 7:49 am
by kathyd
Hi Folks
I have been doing research on the the workings of the bowels, as I've had constipation, in varying degrees, since I was prescribed opiod pain meds for my anal/rectal pain in approx 2011. My original doctor - a well-known pelvic pain gyn) warned me to" stay ahead of constipation" by taking a laxative along with my dose of pain medicine, for example, a laxative nightly at bedtime).

Over the years, various meds haven't helped much with pain so I eventually had an intrathecal pain pump put into my body. The pain pump sends a continuous dose of pain meds to your spinal cord...the goal being to stop the brain from receiving pain signals.
I am on a low dose of 2 meds in my pump - one of them is an opiate.. However,most drugs have the possible side effect of constipation.
We haven't gone up too high on my current dose due to constipation etc.

My question is this: The research I've done says that "Constipation can actually be "CAUSED by the regular use of laxatives,and they should only be taken occasionally"..
Conversely, opiates interfere with with normal bowel habits and without getting technical as we know, cause constipation!

I did not have constipation problems before using pain meds. My system functioned normally, tho my mom( who is now elderly) tells me I was prone to constipation as a toddler, during toilet training MANY years ago!

SO what is a person to do? Such a dilemma!!
My pain doctor told me to use 2 stool softener pills (colace) nightly, But in my case softeners don't make you poop, they simply makes things softer.
My pain doctor also started me on a new medication for opiate constipation, called Movantik, at the beginning of this month. He knew very little about it ,so I did the research myself, and also consulted with a helpful pharmacist.
This drug is designed to prevent the constipating effects of pain meds, while not taking away the analgesic effect.
I was told to take the drug on an empty stomach, wait 1 hour and then eat breakfast.
The drug worked pretty well for about the first week.
The leaflet that comes with the med states that if you don't get optimal results after 3 days, you may add in a laxative.
I have had to do that , I began feeling that 'urge to poop' later in day and needed to 'get it out' in order to relieve the pressure on my painful area.
I am very happy to be off Dulcolax (a strong laxative) and added (Sennakot another stimulant, but it's gentler. It does help, along with the new drug,

BTW, I am as active as possible, am not sedentary, but my anal pain forces me to lie down at times --as getting off my feet helps with pain. I do also walk when possible. i am always busy with housework as a wife and mother of 3, so I am moving around a lot.
I can't exercise yet as much as I'd like.I drink lots of water, (tho water usually is all I drink) and prob'ly need to drink more.
I also have had bladder issues since 2006, so I've stayed away from most other beverages (due to acidicity )Thankfully, tho, in recent months i have been able to tolerate small amounts of decaf coffee and some other beverages , but I still avoid citrus - the worst offender! I drink prune juice, but was told by the nurse on my case, that it can cause cramping, so I avoided it, and eat the fruit itself instead.
So I'm trying to do all the natural stuff to help with normal defecation.

However, I still fear that I've added to my constipation issues by following my original doctor's advice and taking a regular laxative with my pain meds.
I am really confused and not sure what the right advice is. I know that pain meds create constipation and that the above lifestyle changes are not enough.
Tho so far I am glad to be taking the Movantik, I would much prefer to not need additional laxative help.
i have needed between 4 -5 Sennakot at bedtime.
I have found this necessary, as a couple weeks back when I was taking only Movantik, I had a couple of days that I was so backed-up by late afternoon that I needed a Duclolax laxative suppository to produce results... I want to avoid this situation!

I don't want to have to keep adding in more laxative dose, even with the new Movantik on board.
If anyone has experience with the above meds or situation, or is a doctor or nurse, I would really appreciate any advice.
My providers have left it to me to figure out my dosage.
My system is working better , but I don' t want to increase the laxative esp when research says that it can cause constipation..

Each night I agonize over how much to take.
Thanks so much in advance, for any help!


pain meds and constipation

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 7:50 am
by kathyd
Hi Folks
I have been doing research on the the workings of the bowels, as I've had constipation, in varying degrees, since I was prescribed opiod pain meds for my anal/rectal pain in approx 2011. My original doctor - a well-known pelvic pain gyn) warned me to" stay ahead of constipation" by taking a laxative along with my dose of pain medicine, for example, a laxative nightly at bedtime).

Over the years, various meds haven't helped much with pain so I eventually had an intrathecal pain pump put into my body. The pain pump sends a continuous dose of pain meds to your spinal cord...the goal being to stop the brain from receiving pain signals.
I am on a low dose of 2 meds in my pump - one of them is an opiate.. However,most drugs have the possible side effect of constipation.
We haven't gone up too high on my current dose due to constipation etc.

My question is this: The research I've done says that "Constipation can actually be "CAUSED by the regular use of laxatives,and they should only be taken occasionally"..
Conversely, opiates interfere with with normal bowel habits and without getting technical as we know, cause constipation!

I did not have constipation problems before using pain meds. My system functioned normally, tho my mom( who is now elderly) tells me I was prone to constipation as a toddler, during toilet training MANY years ago!

SO what is a person to do? Such a dilemma!!
My pain doctor told me to use 2 stool softener pills (colace) nightly, But in my case softeners don't make you poop, they simply makes things softer.
My pain doctor also started me on a new medication for opiate constipation, called Movantik, at the beginning of this month. He knew very little about it ,so I did the research myself, and also consulted with a helpful pharmacist.
This drug is designed to prevent the constipating effects of pain meds, while not taking away the analgesic effect.
I was told to take the drug on an empty stomach, wait 1 hour and then eat breakfast.
The drug worked pretty well for about the first week.
The leaflet that comes with the med states that if you don't get optimal results after 3 days, you may add in a laxative.
I have had to do that , I began feeling that 'urge to poop' later in day and needed to 'get it out' in order to relieve the pressure on my painful area.
I am very happy to be off Dulcolax (a strong laxative) and added (Sennakot another stimulant, but it's gentler. It does help, along with the new drug,

BTW, I am as active as possible, am not sedentary, but my anal pain forces me to lie down at times --as getting off my feet helps with pain. I do also walk when possible. i am always busy with housework as a wife and mother of 3, so I am moving around a lot.
I can't exercise yet as much as I'd like.I drink lots of water, (tho water usually is all I drink) and prob'ly need to drink more.
I also have had bladder issues since 2006, so I've stayed away from most other beverages (due to acidicity )Thankfully, tho, in recent months i have been able to tolerate small amounts of decaf coffee and some other beverages , but I still avoid citrus - the worst offender! I drink prune juice, but was told by the nurse on my case, that it can cause cramping, so I avoided it, and eat the fruit itself instead.
So I'm trying to do all the natural stuff to help with normal defecation.

However, I still fear that I've added to my constipation issues by following my original doctor's advice and taking a regular laxative with my pain meds.
I am really confused and not sure what the right advice is. I know that pain meds create constipation and that the above lifestyle changes are not enough.
Tho so far I am glad to be taking the Movantik, I would much prefer to not need additional laxative help.
i have needed between 4 -5 Sennakot at bedtime.
I have found this necessary, as a couple weeks back when I was taking only Movantik, I had a couple of days that I was so backed-up by late afternoon that I needed a Duclolax laxative suppository to produce results... I want to avoid this situation!

I don't want to have to keep adding in more laxative dose, even with the new Movantik on board.
If anyone has experience with the above meds or situation, or is a doctor or nurse, I would really appreciate any advice.
My providers have left it to me to figure out my dosage.
My system is working better , but I don' t want to increase the laxative esp when research says that it can cause constipation..

Each night I agonize over how much to take.
Thanks so much in advance, for any help!


Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:26 am
by Violet M
Kathy, WebMD has a good overview of the different types of laxatives. ... hem-safely but it also mentions the option of enemas or rectal suppository laxatives.

My physician said it was OK to use magnesium on a regular basis and my doctor of oriental medicine recommended magnesium citrate but does anyone really know for sure how regular laxative use will affect you over time?


Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:29 am
by kathyd
Thx so much Violet for this link.. I will check it out now.
My constipation seems like my worst issue of all lately! I must sound like a broken record1
I think maybe the laxative I take I keep having to up the dosage,) is actually making things worse. I was originally taking Dulcolax, about 3 pills at bedtime. It stopped working well, and my pain doc said he'd heard of a bowel condition ( he couldn't remember the name) caused by taking too much Dulcolax, but he wasn't sure exactly if it was that product.
So I switched to Senakot. - still a stimulant. but seemingly milder and liked by more doctors in general.
I have pelvic floor dysfunction as seen in my many posts!
I do have BM's regularly lately . but they are small bits and pieces,sometimes several times daily rather than just one 'result'.
With anal pain, the last thing you want is lots of visits to the bathroom, one "output" is your goal, but I'll take any output! Afterwards I often still feel that awful feeling of something stuck in my anus/rectum. (like a golf ball sensation) . MY PT says that is the spasm I have from clenching.

I'm at my wits end tonight.. The nature of my pelvic floor dysfunction is that I feel anal pain plus (within the past several mos,) the feeling of stool stuck there, whether or not it really is .
I' m fine when I get up in AM. but by the 2nd meal of the day ( about 2-pm) - the stool back -up feeling is there again -a lot of pressure. It starts after meals from lunch time on, so I'm a bit afraid to eat.
I've thankfully gained all my weight back (which I'd lost over these years of pelvic pain), and don't want to risk being that thin ever again, but the backed up feeling makes me afraid to eat!
Sometimes I can tell there is really stool there, other times not... the feeling is there regardless.

I have PT weekly with a very educated and experienced lady . tho she has had to take breaks for maternity leave and personal issue..she is back now.
This PT seems to slowly be starting to help with somof my issues, thankfully, but not the above issue yet She is very knowledgeable about the human anatomy, but of course is not versed in medications of any kind, so she can't advise me there.
Ironically on the days I have PT , I usually have emptied enough stool, so that when my PT checks me internally and massages the colon area on my abdomen, nothing is there and all feels empty!

Tonight I m having a bad night...I used the" Magic Bullet" suppository which has a great rating online. (supposed to work faster) I never know how long to wait and if you should respond to first urge..You need to give it time to work, but don't want to lose that window of opportunity!
Tonight I waited until I felt it was "time"--- but only produced small output--- small balls and pieces.. So sorry for TMI!.
Yesterday I finally had a few Bms including a fairly large one.. so maybe there just isn't much there, tho I had a big dinner last night. Im a small built woman,so my stomach /colon prbly fills up quickly.

I just want to to feel empty ,go out and live my life "and forget about the bowel issue. But each day I get bogged down by trying to poop, after midday.I feel so bad for my 15 year old daughter,as I used to be a 'fun mom'. We have been close and now I almost wonder if she resents me for being involved with all these issues. It's gross to a teen-ager.
When my boys ages (23 and 20 were little, I was fine, but she was 6 years old when my first issues began.
Sorry to digress.

Many of you have sent me your tips and I appreciate it so much.
About un-processed bran, I found a bran product by a company called Bobs Red Mill,, but it doesn't mention "processed " or not,just says to sprinkle on foods. Its located by the fiber cereals so I assume it may be what you're referring to ( I think it was NYT who suggested it.) Thx!
HopeI have the right product.
I have tried it all- For ex: Fiber O ne and various digestive type cereals, bran muffins, lots of prunes, and other fruits ,veggies, daily etc. I try to drink enough water, as I know adding fiber without enough water can create cement like stool! I know I need to drink more..Too much water seems to almost nausate me at times.. but they say 6-8 glasses daily is the goal? I haven' t measured but I don't think I drink that amount. Hubby's answer is always "drink water". But he is over twice my size and can drink 64 oz of water in one quick sitting!
I am limited to water because of bladder issues; they have quieted down lately- thankfully,but I don't want to flare them. I drank about 5-6 oz oz of prune juice tonight. Then I drink more water after I insert the laxative suppository, as in the past it helped.
Its quite nerve-wracking to wait for a suppository to work when you desperately want for it to "do its job" so that anxiety is prb'ly not helping things move along.
BTW I take baclofen/ valium suppositories for pain....( dosage 4mg of baclofen and 10mg valium)..!had doubted these were the culprits as at times I have pooped after taking one, I usually take them 2 X daily so would appreciate if anyone knows if they are a factor in chronic drug induced constipation. But many folks take them for pelvic pain...
I realize that all drugs can constipate but hope its not these as they do help a bit and I need them in order to be up and active.
My pain pump contains 2.5 mg of Dilaudid and 6.6 mg of Marcaine. If we go any higher as we'd like to,I get more constipated.
We tried to wean down a bit in an effort to try some thing else, but I felt heavy duty pain that sent meto bed to lie on ice. I have to wonder if that's the subconscious mind knowing that the meds are lowered pain goes up! But who knows..
My nurse who is scientific, has to assume the pain Pump is helping somewhat, due to the above scenario.
More likely its the opiate and marcaine in my pump that are causing my back up issues, but it occurred to hubby and me that maybe the baclofen/valium supps are relaxing things too much for my muscles to push out the stool?.I hope not!

So many folks with IC , PN and other pelvic pain issues use these , so I would think they'd be ok..?

If anyone else shares this opiate induced constipation problem and wants to commiserate, please respons here... o maybe I can give u my emails address.

I have 2.5mg of Dilaudid in my intrathecal pain pump and 6.6mg. of Bupivicaine (Marcaine).
Each day its a battle to get the stool out, and each night I try to figure out what to take for a laxative. i think my body becomes tolerant to laxatives and then they stop working well and I get this small bit by bit resutt. I want to go to the get an X-ray to make sure there's no obstruction there (tho I highly doubt it),but my husband thinks it all has to do with not drinking enough water.
Does anyone know the recommended amount that folks who take pain meds, should drink daily?

BTW I am also using a new product MOVANTIK , which is supposed to prevent opiate induced constipation, (but in my case i can't say it's helped much.
For a few days I did okay with it, and then I had to use a laxative supp in order to get things going. I also find it makes me have to push to make BMs happen at all.. since starting Movantik a month ago. Not the case in the past, and pushing only worsens my spasmed pelvic floor!
I've seen 2 gastro docs this year... One said Take Miralax! ... another told me to keep upping the Dulcolax... not a good idea I would think!

Maybe Miralax would help tho ,as another doc whom I know, told me I could safely double, triple the dose etc. It may take a few days to work (not good for me) but i have heard some reports that say that after that, its quite effective? Is that true in anyones experience? Its not a stimulan.
Anyone experience the above problems with pooping or is it just my weird body? As mentioned my pelvic floor issue is that I have tightness which caused urinary issues and now is a part of the bowel issue, Do you my laxative is actually causing the urge??? I have to take something for the opiods.
Anyone who can relate pls respond .not sure where else to turn.. so sorry to harp on this gross issue! Sorry for any typos!
Thx again Violet! I will read the link you sent!
BTW I also take magnesium malate .
Magnesium citrate is also highly recommended but it irritatednbmy bladder years back so I'm wary of a flare. But solving the bowel problem is more important.
I really need help! Many Many Thx for any input and sorry if Ive repeated myself!
Best Regards

Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:00 am
by Violet M
Kathy, I haven't tried miralax much myself but some people have to use it on a regular basis. My patients with cerebral palsy who are prone to constipation and confined to wheelchairs use it regularly and it's recommended that their stool be kept the consistency of applesauce. It is not a stimulant laxative so probably not as harsh as dulcolax or senna.

I recently heard a talk given by a physician who said the recommendation for water intake is to take half your weight in pounds and that's how many ounces of water you should drink a day. So for instance if you weight 100 pounds you should drink 50 ounces of water a day. (8 ounces are in 1 cup). Obviously if you are sweating a lot you would probably have to drink more but that's the general recommendation.


Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:37 pm
by Ray P.
I think I said this before. The benefits of opioids were not out weighing the pain and discomfort from the
constipation. I still have to eat a plant base diet, drink a lot of water and take ground flaxseeds and senna.
I have hemorrhoids that..... also.

Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:23 am
by kathyd
Hi Violet and everyone,
Yes I agree with what you said about the water. I weigh about about 116 lbs so I should be drinking at least about 58 ounces.. Tho I try
(I even keep water by my bedside table to drink if thirsty in middle of night), but I don't think I drink anywhere near the above.
Its about 3 and half water bottles approx. I'm lucky if I finish two! Must force myself to as water gets bloating at times. Must try tho.

Also I think you or someone mentioned if one can become tolerant to laxatives? --- not sure..? My pain doc thought he heard something to that regard about Dulcolax. So I stopped taking it a month ago
BUt he couldn't remember exactly what he'd heard and wasn't sure.
My pain nurse said she has patients who are on quite high pump doses and have been on stimulant laxatives for ages, and still can have BMs.. etc.

After some research, I heard it may be good to switch off once in awhile to non stimulants--- such as Miralax or Milk of Magnesia. I tried the latter first.... the highest daily dose.(4oz.) I did that for 2 nights in a row! I overdid it and I spent all day in the bathroom yesterday, and a bit more this am.

Since I also use Movantik --the new drug that's supposed to reverse opiod constipation, I will reduce the amount of Milk of Magnesia by at least half maybe try 2 oz or less? I seem to need use some laxative as the Movantik alone doesn't do the trick for me.
Would love to skip a day of laxatives but if I get that back -up feeling, I want to have something in there to help things along. My spasmed pelvic floor in that area can also cause that "feeling" of pressure but one can usually tell when you really have to go

I wonder are the laxatives, even the non-stimulants, actually CREATING that urge feeling, even at times when you don't need to go?
Had hoped to get doctor's advice today, but missed his call.

But, if you have opiates in your system you must take them daily. I can't get rid of the opiates at moment as mine are internal.
I hope to get my doctor's advice hopefully tomorrow. I pray has some new ideas . There are more products coming out that are supposed to treat pain, while also preventing the constipating side effects.
Has anyone heard of Taraginact( or tried it? ) This is one of those new drugs..not sure if its being used in the USA yet ? I will post if I learn anything new.
Thx and have a good night.

Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:36 pm
by lovejon
I have the exact same problem. Miralax worked great as it caused what appeared to be normal, healthy bus daily. However, I have MS and in 3 weeks it caused my immune system to crash and sent me to bed. I had shivers, chills and weakness. The only thing I had changed was adding the Miralax. When I discontinued Miralax I was out of bed in 2 days. Drs. Frequently prescribe this to patients on pain meds. It may not affect all people the same way but it is a poison. There is even a FB group on Miralax and it is run by parents as this is the go to laxative when small children have constipation issues. These parents have taken their kids off of it.

After dealing more than a year with compaction issues and using enemas to evacuate, I began to use Milk of Magnesia when the Miralax proved to be bad.

I began by taking a normal size dose both morning and night until my bowels moved,-this so took 4 days. Now, I take one dose a day and it has regulated me. I have been on opiod meds for 12 yrs so it has been very difficult to find a remedy. Experts have said that MoM is the only safe laxative. It comes in cherry so it is not very unpleasant.

I read your story yesterday and recall that you did try this. I barely remember a part in your letter where you said you quit something because it caused diarrhea. Why not just reduce the dose? It gave you the desired affect-just take less. Our stools will probably never resemble a perfectly normal bowel movement but finding something to achieve regularity is our goal. I hope this helps some.

Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:34 am
by kathyd
Hi lovjon,
Thx so much for your reply.
Wow ..I did not know that about Miralax. Doctors often recommend it.
You're right. I have had diahrrea,,,, ie,,( running to toilet at least 20 times this weekend.. after taking the max dose of Milk of Magnesia (4oz) and then taking a double dose of Miralax the next day around noon.. (Docs (esp one whom I trust more than others, in that I feel he truly cares about my recovery!) had told me it's safe to double, even triple the Miralax dose.)
I over did it!
But I had taken a similar dose (a comb of the same 2 laxatives) last week and just got one huge BM after my Brunch that day; which was my goal.
So I thought I'd maybe found a good combo-- 2 laxatives with no stimulants..

Anyhow I didn't know Milk of Magnesia was that effective with opiate constipation --thus I took the highest dose and added the Miralax the next AM.

A few nights later tried just 2 oz of Milk of Magnesia, with no results, the next day.

So I went back to the combo above -.. Then came the zillion bathroom trips!
The pooping-small Snail like stool (sorry to be gross!) several times a day has continued, for awhile.
I then stopped the Miralax and tried ABOUT 3 and 1/ oz of Milk of Magn last night,---have "gone" lots today.
Due to my pelvic floor issues I get 'urge' feeling even when I don't have to go, or sometimes try but can't go...
My PT are I are working on that and I am doing self PT as per her instructions.

Just trying to get the right laxative for me I can live normally as possible. Milk of Magnesia may be best so far..

Maybe I''ll go with just 3oz tonight as 4oz may be too much at the moment, and 2 oz didn't seem enough...Wish there was one protocol that worked for us all!

By the way I do take magnesium malate 425mg supplements (once or twice a day)...I wonder if taking Magnesium supplements may be too much, if taking Milk of Magnesia, but then, I don't want to risk NOT going, and still having that feeling that I need to.
Thx again for the info about Miralax! I d thought it was the"safest "laxatlve" . Will mention it to my docs and my PT.
Has anyone else heard this!
Have a a good night all!

Re: pain meds and constipation

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:19 pm
by nyt
I came across this today in a magazine called Allyou July 2015 issue while waiting for PT and of course thought of you. I wrote down their suggestions because I had not seen the first combination before.

"Eat this: Down 8 oz unfiltered aloe vera juice with 2 oz unfiltered apple juice. Apple juice has fibrous pectin and aloe speeds digestion. Or have 1 Tablespoon hemp seed oil or flax seed oil to lubricate the digestive tract. If you're often constipated consider a daily regimen - eat 2 tablespoons ground flax seed each morning, pop 150 mg of magnesium citrate at breakfast and lunch and drink at least 8 cups of water daily."

My PT has me do external massage on the abdomen in what she calls the "I Love You" shape. You have to go in a specific direction. Might be something to ask your PT about if you aren't already doing this.