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Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:19 pm
by Frankiet
I just had decompression surgery of the pudendal nerve by Dr. Dellon and would like to post my story and updates. Surgery was 9 days ago. I am already seeing improvement and still have 23 sutures. I saw where others posted a link to their story.

I have some valuable info to share. It's the least I could do since this is where I began my research. Can you tell me how to do it? I will post my story. I'm male 65 yrs old.

Thanks to all for sharing your stories!



Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:15 am
by Violet M
Hi Frank,

Welcome to the forum. You can post your story here or in the welcome section if you prefer. Either place is fine.

Wishing you all the best with your recovery!


Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:21 am
by jaxi123
Tell us more about your surgery

Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:14 pm
by Frankiet
It's been 3 weeks since surgery. I have seen a big improvement in reduced pain. I can sit for short periods and have been able to drive short distances again. I was able to reduce my opioid usage by 25% . I have 4 days of water walking therapy behind me, today is cool and rain expected, I will walk 2 miles instead of driving 15 minutes to mom's

My appetite is returning, I have gained 2 lbs after losing 65 lbs from pain.

Jaxi123, my decision to use Dr. Dellon was based on reputation, proximity, and based on years of research and tests and pain!

I was disappointed in some of the comments posted in this forum regarding Dr. Dellon's not so successful results, but everyone is different and surgery might not be right for you. It was a no- brainier for me.

I am certain that I made the right decision. I was in so much pain even with MSCONTIN and Vicodin.

The reason I posted this was I wanted to share my experience so others can weigh and decide their surgical options.

I do not want to get into pissing contests with others regarding this, so this will be my last post in this forum!

Best wishes


Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:07 am
by nyt
Frank, thank you for sharing your story and I am so happy hear of the great progress you have made since your surgery.. Wishing you all the best on your continued recovery.

Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:16 am
by Violet M
Frank, I'm glad you are doing so well after your surgery. I really hope that if a year from now you feel the surgery was worth it that you will come back to the forum and give us an update. It always gives people hope when someone reports positive results.

All the best,


Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:01 am
by Jules1967
i am in the same boat .....had 4 nerve blocks but what supposed to have 5 but cancelled my last ones as they were only lasting 2 days or so. My doc now says the next step is surgery I am in Canada and there are no surgeons in Canada. My specialist wants me to see the surgeon in France. I do not want to go there. Terrified of flying. so I now have to research the doctors in the States. I don't even know where to start to do research on these docs and there stats etc. Can some one help me?

Thanks Julie

Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:48 pm
by janetm2
Hhi Julie,
You can check the USA sectionof the forum and doctor list off the home page. Besides Dr Dellon as noted in this thread some others are Dr Conway, Dr Hibner and Dr Marvel. Yoi can search for each doctor in the roght upper corner search of these forum pages to get more info. You may want to try some other non-invasive things like restorative exercise, mind body, or ESWT before surgery? Again search for info on those. Good luck.

Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:21 am
by jaxi123
Can you give us another update?

Re: Post PNE Dr. Dellon surgical update

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:24 am
by jaxi123
Can you give us an update ?