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Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:27 pm
by Haze
I have been seeing a PT now who is doing soft tissue stretching. If you can find one that will do this, I believe it has significantly helped me. This involves the PT to actually stretch the vaginal tissue (almost like massage and pressure points). I also do exercises (stretching) that she shows me. I just wanted to share this option because I have gotten relief which my PT believes will eventually be permenant :D
I have also gone to a chiropractor to help align my hips which could have been pinching the PN. My chiropractor suggested I try Magnesium GLYCINATE. BE SURE it is this type of magnesium. Your body only absorbs 4 percent of the other type of magnesium. Most people are deficient in magnesium, and this is something that helps heal your nerves. TRY IT!
I wish you all the best of luck. I never realized what nerve pain felt like until I had issues with my PN after a hysterectomy. It is horrific. Be proactive! Doctors don't really seem to know what to do to help PN pain other than put you on drugs. Try other options as well. Drugs may alleviate pain, but ultimately, you want to address the cause and try and work on eliminating the cause so you don't need to take drugs.
I PRAY and am proactive in my treatment. I believe with time my PN will be completely free and my pain will be gone! I am on my way to recovery. It's a journey, but don't stop looking for names of people who can help you. Think outside the box (and pray)

Re: Burning

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:01 am
by Violet M
Haze, that's great that PT is helping you significantly and I agree with you that being proactive is important. Most people seem to eventually find some kind of treatment that helps make life better or at least tolerable. Hoping to hear continued good news from you!
