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pain suppositories

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:01 pm
by kathyd
Hi Everyone,
For those of you who use vaginal or rectal suppositories for pain, Im wondering..
How long must you wait after inserting the suppository, until you can go in the water (pool etc).?
My old compounding pharmacist gave the impression that I simply should rest for a few minutes ( which I do ) and then
proceed with normal activities.
My current pharmacist had an entirely different opinion.. He said to wait 2 hours which seems excessive...
So Im confused
Does anyone know the scoop on this?

One of my therapies is daily water walking ..

Thx in advance!

Re: pain suppositories

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:16 am
by nyt
kathyd, do you alternate using them vaginally or rectally? Sorry, if this is too personal of a question. It might depend on which route you use. I would understand if it is used rectally that you could go ahead in the water but vaginally you may have to wait. Where you really specific with the compounding pharmacist ie letting them know you what to go swimming and how long you should wait. That is much different than just going about daily activities in the house.

Re: pain suppositories

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:05 pm
by kathyd
Actually I wanted to go in my pool for "water walking" . This is a therapy which I am instructed to do daily by my PT.
So I would not actually be swimming.
Also I use them rectally for anal pain. Altho my doc says I can alternate, I have not tried that yet.
My guess is that I would not have to wait 2 hours?? .. as one pharmacist suggested. Sounds like a long time!
My original compounding pharmacist didn't give me any real restrictions .. We had switched to my current one since his prices are much more reasonable.
Thx for your reply!

Re: pain suppositories

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:53 am
by rickim2006
You do not have to wait to go into the water if you use the suppositories rectally- but would have to if you use them vaginally- they melt and some of the suppository will come out of your vagina.
I am a physician and use the suppositories vaginally and rectally- they work very well when I have severe rectal spasms.

Re: pain suppositories

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:57 am
by kathyd
Hi Rickim2006,
Thx for the reply regarding using pain suppositories rectally and then going into the pool, if desired
I only use them rectally.

I am not this site often lately and just noticed your reply.
Thx again,