Has anybody been to Vienna for nerve blocks recently?

Nerve blocks using many techniques, and medications - options discussed in detail
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Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:31 am

Has anybody been to Vienna for nerve blocks recently?

Post by Vogel1 »

Hello all,

If the answer is yes I should like to ask who performed the blocks (eg Prof. Aszmann/ Prof. Bodner) and what the procedure was like.
And did it help to improve your "pn"- situation?

Thanks, Andrea
Posts: 244
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:29 am

Re: Has anybody been to Vienna for nerve blocks recently?

Post by flyer28 »

I had ultrasound guided dorsal nerve block made by prof. Bodner in summer 2012. Unfortunately no difference, at least I was lucky having had no flare-up.
summer 2009 - episodic post ejaculatory pain,
early 2010- major flare-up, chronification
february 2011 - ESCW wave. major flare-up, lasting 5 months
february 2012 - diagnosed CPPS with irritation of pudendal nerve, hypog. plexus block
june 2012 - dorsal nerve block, no relief
2013 - starting PT with moderate results
2014-2017 better periods interchanging with heavy flare ups
2018 first long remission (several months)
2019-2023 most of the time almost assymptomatic with cca 2 flare ups yearly
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