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Absence of pain during menstruation

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 6:48 pm
by Vjera
Well, as you can see from the title this is my case.

I was wondering does anybody experiencing the same thing and what is the reason for that.
I was diagnosed with extremly dilatated ( varicose) veins in my uterus on the last ultrasound. Maybe there is some connection between my PN pain and veins.

I didn't pay attention until my last period and then realise that I'm pain free. For the moment I thought I was cured. :D But pain is back. :roll:

Re: Absence of pain during menstruation

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:31 pm
by stephanies
I heard about this from one other woman. She also had zero pain during menstruation. She and her doctor thought there was a connection between her pain and her hormones. She was also pain free on Lupron injections. You can ask your doctor if you can try a 3 month injection and see what happens. Lupron has some side effects being that it puts you temporarily into a menopausal state, but maybe something to look into. If you are pain free on Lupron your next step depends on your age, if you want to have children in the future, etc.