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Nerve block and physio update

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:14 pm
by Cintapoppy
Hi all,
Just to give you an update

I had an ultra-sound guided left side nerve block done by Dr Greenslade in Bristol about 6 weeks ago. It was very painful but I think part of that was a 2 hour journey, so sitting for a long period and my medication having worn off. I will know better next time and take more meds before i have another block which should be in December. The block numbed my left butt and the car journey back home was a lot more bearable so that was a success. When I finally crawled into bed there were a lot of pummeling sensations in my left butt and thigh and I don't know what that was about. I think my whole system was so revved up from the long day and journey. It all felt numb and quite rigid for a couple of days and then that wore off and the pain started to come back. 2 weeks later i had a massive rushing pain sensation and the pain came back with a vengeance in all the usual places but worse. I wonder whether this was a cortison flare?

Since then the symptoms have been pretty bad and driving me nuts. I think that part of this may be due to candida and a staph infection which makes all the burning sensations a lot worse. I saw the physio last week and she reassessed my pelvic floor which aparently is a LOT better and she has discharged me now!

So, i don't really understand what is going on any more. I have burning, mainly left butt, perineum but also in my right butt now, as well as in my sacrum and inside as well as odd foreign object sensations and other weird sensations rectally and vaginally.

Has anybody else found that an infection or candida/yeast overgrowth makes their symptoms worse? Any feedback much appreciated. Thank you

Re: Nerve block and physio update

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:08 am
by stephanies
It sounds like you are in a flare from the block. Hopefully, the extra pain will subside over the next few days or weeks. I find that any type of infection, including yeast, makes things worse.


Re: Nerve block and physio update

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:15 pm
by Simon94
Hi I know you suffer a lot from this hopefully you will cope with this situation soon.

Best of your luck for your future. :)

Re: Nerve block and physio update

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:55 am
by Amy01
Hi Cintapoppy, i hope the bad will be over for you soon. Are you having any intolances?

Re: Nerve block and physio update

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:30 am
by jaxi123
Nerve blocks were a waste of time and money for me. I think it is just another way for doctors to make lots of money off of those who suffer.

Re: Nerve block and physio update

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:35 pm
by sibil
jaxi123 wrote:Nerve blocks were a waste of time and money for me. I think it is just another way for doctors to make lots of canadian grand prix live stream of those who suffer.