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Can PN make all of your legs and feet achy?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:51 am
by LindseyD
So I think my PN has come from either my bladder cystoscopy Aug.2014 for IC, or from irritation from femoral hernia repair surgery. Anyway, after my hernia repair my left thigh would hurt. Over time more pn pain, genital pain and problems,but I have a question. Can PN cause pain down your legs and even your feet? Used to even with PN other than my thighs the rest of my legs felt fine and so did my feet. But now my legs and fwet are so achy. I'm not sure PN can do this, or if it's a flare up of my lyme disease making my legs and feet achy.just curious of pn can do this. I now have pn pain on left and right side. Used to just feel it on left. Privates aren't good either. There has got to be something out there to help. Praying,praying,praying.

Re: Can PN make all of your legs and feet achy?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:12 am
by Violet M
I think it would be hard to say that PN by itself was the cause of all your different symptoms. Some PN patients have pain in their legs and feet but it's not necessarily due to the pudendal nerve itself. It could be because over time the pelvic pain can cause more and more muscles in the pelvis to go into spasm. I had piriformis muscle spasms causing sciatica-type symptoms in my right leg and foot. I don't know if that's what's going on with you though. Have you had an evaluation by a pelvic floor PT yet?


Re: Can PN make all of your legs and feet achy?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:34 am
by LindseyD
Yes I see one regularly. But it'd also a symptom of Lyme but u didn't know I'd pelvic pain itself could cause leg and feet pain. Thanks for answering questions. Feels like sore tight muscles in legs.

Re: Can PN make all of your legs and feet achy?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:00 am
by John Carter
i know my entrapment sends signals down through the leg and to the big toes...

Re: Can PN make all of your legs and feet achy?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:15 am
by LindseyD
John Carter wrote:i know my entrapment sends signals down through the leg and to the big toes...
How were u diagnosed with it being an entrapment?

Re: Can PN make all of your legs and feet achy?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:50 am
by rick
I haven't been on the forum for quite some time but I remember my legs aching.

Very onerous, I had this numerous times in the past. I don't have the particular reference in front of me, but there have been studies with cadavers that show that a branch the PN nerve is located in the buttock area and and in many people lays very close to another nerve that goes down the leg (the sciatic?) I don't have the diagram in my files at present but will try to find. I think interaction between the nerves leads to the aching.

I know that when this happened to me I ended in bed for a day or two until the aching would start to abate. It was one of the most onerous, to me, areas of pain that I had.

Fortunately, I have managed to get my pain levels down to a 1 or 2. I plan to post a review of my research that has led to my improvement very soon.

But I remember my legs ached like hell. Hang in there.


Re: Can PN make all of your legs and feet achy?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:47 am
by Violet M
Rick, that's great to hear that you are doing so well!
