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Numbness but no pain

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:48 pm
by soldadorayan
Hi everybody,
I think I may have a problem with my pudendal nerve, but I am not sure. Although I am experiencing a mostly numb penis and sexual dysfunction, I haven't really experienced much pain. I will just share what happened.

I'll go ahead and say that there was originally a psychological element in my problem, but I believe that it is now physical. Let me explain. I had a girlfriend and we broke up. I realized a few weeks later that my libido was gone and I couldn't achieve an erection. So I just didn't touch it and thought about other things. 6 weeks later, I was back to my normal self.

After starting a new relationship, my libido dropped pff again and I once again had ED. However I really like the girl and wanted to keep the relatinoship, and didn't want her to know. This is where I think I might have damaged my pudendal nerve I trained myself to have sex anyway, even without libido and eventually my body started doing what I needed it to do. The only problem was my penis and scrotum became increasingly numb whenever I would have sex, and not only during sex, but all the time. Almost a year later, my libido is still gone and I am still numb down there all the time.

Since it is all the time I really don't think it could be psychological. All I can think of is that by having sex when my body wasn't prepared to do so, I must have stretched my pudendal nerve, hence the numbness. I also have kind of a cold-tingle feeling in my genitals and in the spot between my testicles and my anus. However, I don't have pain. It doesn't hurt to sit down, I don't have problems going to the bathroom. I can also feel a pinch. But I have no pleasureable sensationdown there whatsoever and can barely feel it when I touch it, it is like touching the bottom of my elbow. Does this sound like Pudendal Nerve Entrapment or Neuralgia to anybody here? I have lost a relationship because of this and I am pretty desperate to figure out what my problem is. I am only 30. Thanks, and good luck to everybody in their recovery!

Re: Numbness but no pain

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:08 am
by Violet M
Numbness is one of the possible symptoms of pudendal neuropathy but I can't say for sure if that's what's going on with you. It can also be due to spinal radiculopathy or to damage to the small nerve fibers. I think the important thing first is to have any obvious pathologies ruled out by your physician to make sure it's not something serious. Usually they will order an MRI to rule out anything in the spine that could be causing your sensory issues. If you do decide to have an MRI you may want to browse through the MRI section of the forum to educate yourself on the pros and cons of the different types of MRI's. You may also want to have an evaluation by a physical therapist to assess whether your pelvic floor is tense and impinging on the pudendal nerve. I don't know, maybe you've already done all of this.


Re: Numbness but no pain

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:06 am
by Andy_Pablo
My symptoms started with numbness, however pain began when sensation returned. It is best to get yourself checked out & then take it from there... Good luck.

Re: Numbness but no pain

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:10 pm
by Redevil
My case is very similar to you.It started with loss of erection accompanied my strong tingling sensation in scrotal area. But as it progressed, I was plagued by occasional stabbing pain in butt, twitching in left leg and tight pelvic and gluteal muscles.
I was diagnosed with Pudendal Nerve compression on left side and underwent surgery to release it about 4 months. My major concern was erection issue. There has been some progress, like on a good day (when there is no tingling), I'm able to achieve fairly good erection. But the progress hasn't been constant, like this all comes in patches. Some can run up to two weeks and others last only for few days. Most frustrating thing is PDFE-5 inhibitors like Viagra doesn't work that well.For instance when there is no flare up, I'm able to achieve fairly rigid erection anyway and when there is tingling sensation it has very little effect.
Just wanna have you noticed anything strange with your ejaculation. Like with me I wasn't able to have orgasm untill a month ago. But now I can orgasm regardless of rigidity of erection.

Re: Numbness but no pain

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:18 pm
by Redevil
Hi AndyPablo,
I have question for you. You said your ED problem has been resolved. Could you please tell me more about how long after surgery did it take and whether you also did some other therapies or such to enhance your healing process.
Right now one of Urologist has put me on Penile rehabilitation kind of cycle, where i've take cialis 2.5 mg daily to restore the vitality of muscles.

Re: Numbness but no pain

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:50 pm
by Andy_Pablo
Hi Redevil. My ED was intermittent before surgery. After surgery, I could have & maintain a solid erection after about a month. Ejaculation sensation returner to normal too. Problem is, it is still painful to have an erection after about nine months post surgery, so its still a catch 22 situation for me. Im hoping that improves over time, but as with all of my symptoms, its still a waiting game... The vicious cycle of this curse.