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Do I have pudendal neuralgia?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 5:10 am
by Nicolas

My name is Nicolas, I'm 21 years old. I broke my anckle last may and I elevated my leg very badly for 2 months after the cast was removed. It has been 4 months now (since August) that I feel an increasing burning sensasion all over my butt when I'm sitted for more than half an hour. I have seen a 4 generalist doctors who prescribed me antifungal and antibiotics that didn't help at all. I've been seing a chiropractor 2 times a week for 3 months now because she thinks my sacrum is deviated. However, I don't know how she can tell because I didn't have any xrays or scans... I don't see much improvement from the chiropractor though, but she did prescribed me a donut cushion that relief the pain when I sit on it. So I just came back from a pain clinic today and the internist doctor told me I have pudendal neuralgia or entrapment. Is these 2 conditions the samething? Do I have to believe him? He said there is no specific treatment for these condition, do I really have to live the rest of my life with this?
I don't know what to think anymore.

Please help me

Nicolas, a College Student

Re: Do I have pudendal neuralgia?

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:50 am
by Violet M
Hi Nicolas,

You can find the answers to some of your questions at this page of our website:

The difference between pudendal neuralgia and pudendal nerve entrapment (PNE) is that pudendal neuralgia can have a bunch of different causes and PNE is just one of the possible causes of pudendal neuralgia. For instance pudendal neuralgia can be caused by lyme's disease that damages the nerve, or by multiple sclerosis, but that would not be an entrapment.

No you don't have to believe the internist. You can research, do some diagnostic testing, and then decide whether to believe him. If you do have pudendal neuralgia, that doesn't mean you have to live this way the rest of your life. There are treatments and some of them work very well for some people.


Re: Do I have pudendal neuralgia?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:23 am
by Nicolas
Thank you Violet,

Your repply really helped me!
I've scheduled an ampointement with my family doctor for next wednesday to ask if I can get an MRI to see if there is anything wrong.

I have hope to get better and continue my life normally


Re: Do I have pudendal neuralgia?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:54 am
by Violet M
I don't know where you live, Nicolas, but the type of MRI you get can be important. Some of the PN doctors recommend an MRI of the lumbosacral area, lumbosacral plexus, and the pelvic area. 3T MRI is good if you can get it, and also the software settings can be made to enhance the image of the nerves. So you might want to read through the MRI section of this forum to educate yourself on the different options.

Keep in mind an MRI isn't 100 % accurate at diagnosing pudendal nerve entrapment but it's important to have one to rule out any obvious causes of your symptoms. An MRI may not show if there is something like SI joint dysfunction or ligament strain from sitting wrong for so long but if you do have a pelvic misalignment it might show if anything is impinging on the sacral nerve roots. If you could see a physical therapist who is trained in treating pelvic pain and can evaluate you for pelvic floor for tension I think that would be a good idea too.


Re: Do I have pudendal neuralgia?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:23 pm
by Nicolas
Thank you Violet!

I live in Montreal, Canada. I will ask my family doctor about those specific types of MRI. I think these will help to discard other types of causes to my pain and have a better idea of what the situation really is.
I'm also thinking about scheduling an appointement with a pelvic floor physiotherapist. However, I feel a little shy to see a PT for treatment in this area...

Thanks again


Re: Do I have pudendal neuralgia?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:17 am
by Violet M
That is understandable that you would be shy about it. Try to remember that these PT's are health care professionals and I am sure will treat you with respect. Many PNE patients have seen so many doctors that they get to the place where they don't feel embarrassed anymore.


Re: Do I have pudendal neuralgia?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:28 am
by Kam1975
Hi Nicholas,
I am sorry you are going through this. I posted my story as well but it appears this thread is active so I will post here. Apologies for the repetition. February 2016, I was undergoing a lot of stress at work and had pain in my penis and burning while urinating. The doctor (GENERAL PRACTITIONER) at the time diagnosed me with prostatitis and put me on Cipro for 10 days. He also requisitioned a PSA test, a prostate ultrasound and a abdominal xray. Everything came back normal except constipation on the xray. By about 4th or 5th day, I was pretty much back to normal. The doctor called me back in, gave me a strong laxative to alleviate the constipation. After I took the laxative, I don't ever He gave me a strong laxative to alleviate the constipation. After I took the laxative, I don't ever recall being in that much pain, I was on the toilet with my abdominal muscles contracting and spasming, I could feel debilitating pain in my rectum, perineum, buttocks, testicles.. you name it, my pelvis was in debilitating pain. It was burning, debilitating pain. A week or go passed, and the pain subsided but never went away. I think this laxative episode is what exacerbated my problems or caused new ones. it has been a year this week, I have pain in the perineum, mild but it spikes with anxiety and stress.
I have pain in the tailbone and buttocks and Sciatica like pain in the right buttock going down the leg.
I have seen a general surgeon for rectal issues such as fissures or rectal cancer, all normal.
I have seen 8 urologists who have told me that everything is normal... I have had cystoscopies, 5 MRIs, ultrasounds, xrays.
Cystoscopies - all normal
XRAYs - all normal
MRIs - labral tears in both hips. No abnormality seen along the pudendal nerve on all MRIs.
Ultrasounds - scrotal - one varicocele and small hydroceles.- all benign.
My current symptoms are pain with sitting in the buttocks, can't sit on hard surfaces without a cushion, the coccyx cushion doesn't help, the pain is indiscriminate. I can sit on a couch and drive without any sort of discomfort in the perineum but I can't sit on a bench or any hard surface. I also have burning pain in the buttocks when I am lying down flat on my back.
burning at the tip of the penis with urination if I have been sitting for long otherwise no burning with urination.
pain between scrotum and inner thigh on the right side. Worse when sitting.
used to have severe perineum pain after bowel movements and narrow stools but stools are now normal and no or very minor pain after bowel movements. Random tingling in the scrotum, sort of the tingling pins and needles feeling when your foot or arm falls asleep.
and the visible issue - really tight scrotum with the penis literally retracted into my pelvis with only the glans appearing. Worse when stressed or anxiety.
-Erections are normal, sometimes I don't feel anything during ejaculation.
Also, when doing anything physical activities like shovelling snow or carrying anything remotely heavy, I can feel pain in the buttocks.
Does any of these sound like Pudendal Neuralgia? Or are any of these similar to what others are going through?
I am doing pelvic pain physio with one of the best pelvic pain physios in Toronto. She's actually recommended on this site. She is confident that there is no entrapment.
I have gone through multiple specialists but have gotten zero answers. My doctor is doing an MRI Arthrogram to see how severe the labral tears are. I've read that hip labral tears symptoms are similar to PN symptoms.