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Pelvic PTs in Boulder (CO), Albuqerque, or in between?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:10 pm
by quilter
Can anyone recommend pelvic PTs who can do internal work if needed in Boulder, CO, Albuqerque, or along Highway 25 between those 2 cities? We're starting a road trip in 2 weeks to visit family. I'm already in an unusual pelvic flare (had been doing pretty good), and my PT is out until after we depart. 2 years ago I spoke to a PT in ABQ before we left home, but she was going to be gone and I can't find her contact into. The other PT she recommended was in Santa Fe, which is farther than I'd want to go for PT. I've never been to Boulder, but my daughter just relocated there from France and we haven't seen her for a year.

I know getting in to see PTs as a new patient can be tough, but I'd love names to have just in case the trip gets me into a bad flare like my current pain. I'll take records, and call ahead before we leave so they know who I am and find out what/who any options might be.

Thanks for the help!

Re: Pelvic PTs in Boulder (CO), Albuqerque, or in between?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:46 am
by Violet M
Hi Quilter,

You can check out this list.
There is one in Fort Collins. If you call her she might know someone in Boulder because it's pretty close by.

Good luck!


Re: Pelvic PTs in Boulder (CO), Albuqerque, or in between?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:38 am
by althoff17
I am in Colorado as well. I see Terri Nishimoto from N2 physical therapy. I absolutely recommend her, she is very knowledgeable. I believe she has an office in Louisville. For a physican I see Dr Nel Gerig. They are both at the pelvic solutions center in Denver. (Terri has multiple offices). They literally are life savers.

Re: Pelvic PTs in Boulder (CO), Albuqerque, or in between?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:07 pm
by quilter
Dear althoff,
Thank you! So far I'm doing OK on the road trip, now in NM. We plan to make the run to Boulder every few months, so it's good to know there are great PTs in the area. Next time I'll just schedule in advance to be proactive and hopefully prevent a flare. Wish I had multiple nearby centers at home (only 1 PT in a 70-mile radius, thankfully she's wonderful).