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failed nerve blocks

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:05 am
by April
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to join the chorus of others who’ve had failed nerve blocks. I did two, one in Phoenix at Hibner’s hospital four months ago and one locally six weeks ago. Neither created any reduction in pain (beyond a few hours of anesthetic-induced numbness). And both created a flare (accelerating my decline (the first one) or reversing what seemed like some improvement in my symptoms (the second one)). I had been putting off the nerve block for ages, because so many on this forum had no luck with it. I even presented the local doctor with the Labat et al. 2017 study that suggests this is not an effective pn treatment (I brought in a copy and summarized it for him), but he dismissed the findings. I didn’t buy his dismissal and critiqued his critiques but, unfortunately, I still went forward with it. So, I just wanted to share my story for others who are considering this option. Perhaps it was sensible to try it once, but I do regret the second one.


Re: failed nerve blocks

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:50 pm
by RJR
Hi April and all,

I can only share thoughts based on my experience. And am sure outcome depends on degree of entrapment and other factors.

Dr. Jan Fritz (Johns Hopkins) studied under Dr Hollis Potter (HSS) and is Pudendal-smart. He is able to place the steroid with extreme precision - even between scar tissue and the nerve, thereby bathing the nerve to attain the intended benefit. He uses MRI guidance to best visualize location and proof of delivery. As we know MRI uses non-ionizing radiation and therefore safe. He also requires the patient to remain in a prone position for 1 hour after injection to allow the steroid to absorb into the target tissue...other doctors have you vertical right after the procedure and, in my case, gravity caused the steroid and numbing drug to migrate down to my leg (i.e., waste of steroid).


Re: failed nerve blocks

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:09 pm
by Simon94
Welcome to forum dear!! I hope you find what you are looking for..