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Lidocaine infusion

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:42 am
by esthome
I had a Lidocaine infusion 2 days ago. It's done nothing for my pain which is rectal, vaginal and has spread to my sacrum and tailbone. I'm hoping it'll kick in at some point but I actually feel worse. Please can anyone advise on whether they had an improvement from this particularly if it came some days after. Also if it hasn't worked, then why not?! I don't understand why it wouldn't if it's an analgesic.

Re: Lidocaine infusion

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 11:09 pm
by nyt
Could be the dose they used or this may not be the mechanism that is causing your pain. I notice a small difference by the end my infusion and the next morning I can really tell. Unfortunately, lidocaine doesn't work for everyone.