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Anyone from NJ

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:36 am
by LindafromNJ
Looking for support maybe from someone in the group who is from New Jersey. Not finding the Physicians listed near me in practice. Thought maybe I can get some recommendations of who to see for proper diagnoses. Right now have been diagnosed with Vulvodynia and atrophy. But I am having anal pain as well.

Re: Anyone from NJ

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:40 pm
by janetm2
Kathyd posted a physical therapist Zarina in NJ. You can pm kathyd, search her posts and if you search on Zarina the post with her information will come up.

Re: Anyone from NJ

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:00 am
by Charlotte B
Hi Linda,
I live in Wayne and have done a lot of research and it's very hard to find a good pain management Dr. I have pain management in Clifton and he frustrates me to no end He doesn't understand the way this condition changes and would like me off all Medicene. I have to bring my daughter with me for him to listen. I see Zarina and Freeshma at ProTouch in Camden they both are good I've made a lot of progress but still have the same pain levels. They said it would take time.

I hope to find a good one eventually.

Re: Anyone from NJ

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 12:53 pm
by Jacoby
How did it go? Only one thing I know for sure, I can get tired of this site. I still remember the first time I need Btw, I read about it there. You can do it also.

Re: Anyone from NJ

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:10 pm
by saint
Hi Linda,

I have been at the end of my rope and have been hanging trying to find a way out of the excruciating pain I'm in. Have you found anything that works? I'm kind of in a holding pattern waiting to find something.

May God lead us out of this hell. Pudendal nerve damage is hell.