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Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:44 pm
by Missingmylife42
Hi this is where you can find my new MRI from Dr Potter ... 2334378571

Please comment. It has gotten worse from the last one in August


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:39 pm
by nyt
This is a very detailed report. I personally believe, but have no evidence to back this, is that we compensate for the one side that is bad by sitting lopsided, walking different, muslce spasms of the pelvic floor etc. that at some point it could involve the other side.

I am so sorry that things have gotten worse for you. My heart goes out to you. The only thing I cay say to try to brighten your day is that you have information that continues to support you pain and can help the dr.'s and you with the next step.

Dr. Hibner doesn't do both sides at once for at least two reasons that I know of. It is a lengthy surgery for one side, about 4 hours, and he doesn't want to get tired. It would take 8 hours to do both sides, that is a long time and you don't want hte surgeon to get tired. And second, the restrictions would be very difficult to maintain if both sides were done at once ie the way you need to climb stairs.


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:53 pm
by wendy7

It looks to me that they are seeing a lot of scar tissue in there. There are alot of places that they can get to, with surgery, to help with getting rid of the scar tissue that is there. I do not know how far up the dorsal nerve to the clitoris, that the scar tissue goes, as those nerves are some of the smallest as they go up to the clitoris and not reachable via surgery. If the scar tissue is further down, where the main branches are, they should be able to get most of that scar tissue taken care of with surgery. Because you have had so much scar tissue already, it might be worth looking at Dr. Hibner as an option because he could open you up and he utilizes the neuragen wrap to help prevent scar tissue, ecspecially if you are already prone to developing scar tissue. Have you thought of having surgery yet?

Take care,


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:00 pm
by Missingmylife42
Hi thanks for your response the problem I am trying to understand is five months ago until Dr antaloxks injections I could sit I had no rectum pain all It was was burning clitirial vaginal throbbbg. Something happened to me with those injections the doctors knew all the pn blocks never made me numb and he said well lets see if I can make it numb. I'm in big trouble. I'm scared to have surgery. I don't want more pain. Did u have surgery. Do u have entrapments. I wish I never went for a real dx for pn and all the real testing to a well known doctor. I should have never went I want to call him. What would you do.


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:03 pm
by Missingmylife42
Hi thanks for your response the problem I am trying to understand is five months ago until Dr antaloxks injections I could sit I had no rectum pain all It was was burning clitirial vaginal throbbbg. Something happened to me with those injections the doctors knew all the pn blocks never made me numb and he said well lets see if I can make it numb. I'm in big trouble. I'm scared to have surgery. I don't want more pain. Did u have surgery. Do u have entrapments. I wish I never went for a real dx for pn and all the real testing to a well known doctor. I should have never went I want to call him. What would you do.


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:34 pm
by wendy7
Hello Missingmylife,

There are others, including myself, that have had problems with the injections. Being able to get to the nerve with a CT scan takes alot of skill. If you are not within 1mm of the nerve, then the blocks won't work. If you get to close, you can knick the nerve or hit the nerve. This can be a total temporary problem, although there are some that have reported long term problems with the nerve blocks, although this is more rare.

So, if he knicked your nerve, you may be having some extra problems. It can take some time for it to heal. I see that it has been about 5 months since your injections. There are some that have had extra pain for almost a year and then it went away, so there is still time for the nerve to heal for you. When I had my injections done and I had extra pain, they put me on Tegretol, which I still am taking now. I would also try and use some ice, because if they knicked your nerve, then it will probably be inflammed, along with some ibuprofen, to help with inflammation. This is one of those things that can happen, but it also can go away. I hope this helps some.

I had 2 surgeries. One with Dr. Conway and then a redo surgery with Dr. Hibner. The last one worked really well. The major shocks that used to send my body flying are totally gone now. I still have pain, but it is in a much more manageable area for me to deal with.

Take care,


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:43 pm
by AliPasha1
Hi Ladies,
I think there is one very important point that seems to attract my attention while comparing the two MRI reports.Are the PN blocks actually scarring the PN or the tissues around it which with the passage of time restrict the movement of the PN and cause PNE . Not to mention, that the terrible psychological and physical pain that the patients have to endure after these PNE blocks.
In “missingmylife42” case, it is quite evident that Dr. Antalok made the situation much worse because most probably he nicked the nerve and consequently inflamed the nerve.
In my case, Dr. Quesada bilateral PN blocks in 2007 gave me the sitting pain from which I have never recovered and that is one of my main issues now.


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:54 pm
by nyt
AliPashi, you bring up a good point that there is the possibility that the nerve blocks can cause scar tissue and make the situation worse or just nicking or injecting into the nerve. Maybe at some point the PN dr.'s will just do one block for confirmation so as not to risk this possibility.


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:37 pm
by Missingmylife42
:( why didn't they listen to me. We are supose to trust doctors know I am in so much pain. I really feel like writing him letter. I am so overwhelmed withis surgery. I would not have had to had it or to make a decision if He didn't hurt me.


Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:36 am
by wendy7
Hi guys,

I had an awesome PT, back when I was doing PT. She had said that any injection, any needle, any cut, causes scar tissue. So, I do believe that Ali is correct. If you have a PN block, then you will be developing scar tissue around the nerve. No doubt about that. Now, if the nerve is inflammed, while the scar tissue is developing, I totally believe that the nerve can get caught up in the scar tissue that is developing.

Take care,