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Doctors - Ontario, Canada

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:10 pm
by Tara S
I'm not sure where to post this - if there is a better spot please let me know.

It was a bit of a challenge to find a doctor at the start of my PN journey so wanted to provide an update for anyone in Ontario that might be facing the same issue.
Dr. Allan Gordon was previously based out of Mt. Sinai - Wasser Pain Management Centre in Toronto. Unfortunately he is not practicing at present (although that my change after April 2018).

Dr. Nucielo Lemos is now at Mt. Sinai - He is a urognynecologist with additional expertise in Neuropelveology. He works very closely with Dr. Phillip Peng (Anasthesiologist). I believe both Dr. Peng and Dr. Flamer provide guided nerve blocks.

In Ottawa, ON Dr. Sony Singh (Gynecologist) is PN aware and does transvaginal nerve blocks. His colleague Dr. Yvette Goddard at the Pain Clinic at the Ottawa Hospital was training to complete guided blocks last year.

Re: Doctors - Ontario, Canada

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:04 am
by Violet M
Thanks for this info, Tara. I'm sure it will be helpful for many Canadians.
