Best Bike Saddle I Have Found

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Posts: 31
Joined: Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:10 pm

Best Bike Saddle I Have Found

Post by puffsplus »

Is the Infinity Bike Seat: ... ries-seat/

Yes, it's ridiculously expensive. He used to have a cheaper plastic version that cost about $100 less, but he's not offering it for sale anymore. Still, I spent about $1000 trying different bike saddles because bicycling caused me pain, and found one that caused me the least pain, and STILL I ended up irreversibly damaging my pudendal nerve with it.

Had I used this bike saddle all along, I would not have damaged my PN, I believe. This saddle makes you sit *in* the saddle rather than on it. All of your soft tissues are blessedly free of pressure and pain while you ride.

Although I had to make one modification to this saddle before I could ride comfortably -- the nose was too damn long. I bashed myself in the urogenital area a couple of times when trying to dismount my bike just because the saddle nose length was longer than my previous saddle's nose length. So, I dusted off my handy Dremel tool, and dremeled off about 1.25 inches of the saddle's nose, and sealed the portion off with....some sort of sealing clay, I think. Not pretty, but it does the job.
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Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:15 pm

Re: Best Bike Saddle I Have Found

Post by mattreev »

that`s interesting. thanks for sharing the link!
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