Pain Management

Discuss different Pain Management Options; Medication options including side effects and Worldwide variances in names etc.
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Re: Pain Management

Post by russ1116 »

The only pain management they offer in Florida (pill mill epa center) is on martin luther king blvd and called heroin :/
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Joined: Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:43 am

Re: Pain Management

Post by Ivonmichal »

We have all experienced pain. But despite it being one of the most common symptoms people seek medical help for, it is also one of the most misunderstood and ineffectively treated.

Part of the reason is that one person’s experience of the same painful event can be significantly different from another’s. In this article, we identify the most common types of pain and offer some suggestions on the best type of treatment. Because there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Types of Pain
Pain is a general term that describes any kind of unpleasant or uncomfortable sensation in the body.

There are many different types and causes of pain, and these can be grouped into eight different categories to help with pain management:

Acute pain
Chronic pain
Breakthrough pain
Bone pain
Nerve pain
Phantom pain
Soft tissue pain
Referred pain.
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