Dr. Michael Durtnall

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Dr. Michael Durtnall

Post by Sara »

I gave birth on August 2018 in a forceps Keiland delivery. Unfortunately 8 months after the delivery I started to feel constipated until I arrived to a point that I couldn't empty my bowel anymore, I felt that my muscles in the anus are completely contracted in a way that I lost sensation of urge, I had to use Enema in order to empty my bowel and the rectum as well to use manual help :/
My life became a nightmare!
 Although one of the Physiotherapist I saw was insisted that my problem is caused due to hard scar tissues that "sits on the pudendal nerve" all doctors I saw were convinced that my problem is a functional problem which called "Anismus" and they were telling me that I need to teach my body how to relax the muscles, I was advised to go to a psychologist and do Yoga...During 4 months I received treatment for something I dOn't suffer of...
Meanwhile I discovered that i'm pregnant, as doctors were so sure that what I have is Anismus they explained me that I can continue without any problem the pregnancy and that "I just need to teach my body again how to relax itself and everything will get back to normal.." well- wrong!
With 6 months pregnant I got back again to the Proctologist explaining him that with all the respect there must be another reason for my problem as non of the sugessted treatment is helping me (Yoga, physiotherapy, Psychological treatments, Cannabis, dry needling, rectal baloons treatmets, laser treatment for scar tissues...) He checked me again and surprise surprise he discovered a deep scar sitting on the pudendal nerve!Now what? the treatment he offered me was nerve block injection..something I can't do while i'm pregnant, as well if the problem is from the scar tissues and fibroses why can't I receive a treatment for it? why the treatment should be an injection?
At this point I was advised from the first Physoterapist that susspected that my problem is caused by the scar to "leave" the doctors on my country and fly to a specialist in Zurich.. unfortunately and fortunately the Swiss told me that the treatment he wants to offer me is a botox injection but as i'm pregnant he can't give me any treatment at the moment.
At that moment I became depressed, pregnant woman with no hope. I felt lost!I was looking for solution everywhere, meanwhile I guess also because of the pregnancy I started to suffer from "sciatica" in my legs and strong pain in the sacrum and the tail bone...
I found a list of specialists in pudendal nerve in Europe (non of them in my country) beside one (Dr Durtnall) they are all Surgeons that I knew would reject to see me because of my pregnancy. I decided to contact Dr Durtnall hopping he could help me. I sent him a message at 1 in the morning,  completely crying and desperated feeling my life is over. Dr Durtnall answered my email 20 min later!
On the day after I already booked the tickets to London and booked the hotel, I felt hope but at the same time was afraid since so far for over 9 months  I heard too much, did too many treatments without any results. 
2 weeks later my husband and I arrived to London, we finally got to meet with Dr Durtnall, he looked on the MRI CD and checked me. He approved the diagnose of the deep scar tissues fibrosis that "caught the pudendal nerve" and also told me that my tailbone is not flexible at all and that I had a very hard delivery. The treatment was a bit painfull but nothing compared with other treatments I tried such as dry needling.The night after the first treatment I felt sick, I felt the all the nerve system is waking up..I had to take parcetamol, I told my husband that I feel like my body is inside a Microwave..I dIdn't understand if things were getting better or worse.
In the morning after, tired, very tired my husband and I went to have a coffe before the second treatment, out of nowhere I had a sensation of urge!
After  3 treatments in London I got back home to my country, with a lot of hope!Unfortunately it didn't last for long, 3 days after a big improvement all bad symptoms were back...
00:00 am, sending another email to Dr Durtnall telling him that everything is back- again! Feeling lost again.
In the morning I saw his email calming me down explaining me it could happen and that the body learns again, he was insisting me not to take any Magnesium pills (which I used to take) or do Enema.. well it was hard for me not to but..2 days later I got better.
So far i'm 50%-60% better, still not perfect but i'm very glad my baby saved me from injections and that I chose to fly to London to meet with Dr Durtnall. in few days  (2 and half weeks after my first flight to him) i'm flying again to London to do treatments (Hopping my flight will not get canceled due to Coronavirus!).
Looking forward to do more treatments and get even more better.
Thank you Dr Durtnall. 
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