List of Doctors

Providers listed on this website are not endorsed by the Health Organization for Pudendal Education.  This list is offered as a public service for informational purposes only.

Canadian Doctors

United States Doctors

European Doctors

Australian Doctors

Indian Doctors

Doctors on this site are divided into the regions in which they practice.   There may be other physicians not listed here, some of them local to you, who treat pudendal neuralgia (PN).   There is no particular specialty of physicians who treat PN, but when searching for a physician locally you may want to start your search with a sports medicine doctor, neurologist, gynecologist, urologist, pain medicine doctor, interventional radiologist, orthopedist, neurosurgeon, or plastic surgeon who has an interest in treating patients with pudendal neuralgia.   Before making an appointment, it is wise to find out through the office staff if the physician is familiar with PN and treats PN patients.

Information found on this website is offered for support and educational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.
The authors of this website are not physicians and we do not provide medical advice. Users should consult a doctor.