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Re: Pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation dr NY area?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:24 am
by shana
Beverly, yes the nerve block gave me a flare and I did 2 which was a big mistake as the second flare never went back to "normal" and everything has been worse since.

Dr. Conway suggested I first undergo my bilateral hip surgery, which was already scheduled and I had find last week. The right hip was a redo so I'm hoping it will work this time. He suggested if I want to do more PT, which I did for years and years and never saw any benefit, and more nerve blocks and then surgery. I'm not particularly happy with any if his suggestions and I learned I'm my best advocate and got to trust my guy and there's no way I'm jumping into surgery again as that's how I ended up where I am today. I'm now having Dr. Deena Harris in Soho overlooking my care and she's been very helpful and sympathetic. Right now I'm working on my hip recovery, its only been a few data and what was supposed to be an outpatient surgery turned into an overnight stay so hoping will be smoother going forward, and the other thing is pain management. Dr. Harris is afraid if I'm in to much pelvic/PN pain my hips won't be able to relax and heal properly so I'm continuing to see Dr. Diwan and I'm having a good experience with him (so far, though I find great reviews online). I also am scheduled to go to Dr. Hibner in AZ in the beginning of Nov but I'm thinking if maybe trying to switch it to Dec if he has any openings.

All the best,

Re: Pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation dr NY area?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:21 pm
by beverley
We are having similar experiences. I had FAI surgery last july -- was pain free for almost 7 months -- and now the pain is back, both hip and pelvic. My flare is dying down so i hope i dont stay at that higher level of pain. Weirdly, i think the injection helped my hip pain -- even though it made my clitoral pain much worse? Dr Harris wants to do another injection - but i am not willing to take the risk of making everything worse. I have been going to PT for 5 months and it isnt working either -- before my surgery PT really helped me. Anyway, what exactly is the procedure you are having with dr. diwan? Have you tried trigger point injections?

Re: Pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation dr NY area?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:15 pm
by shana
Dr. Diwan is doing another ganglion impar injection, the first one gave me over 50% relief of my coccyx pain and I was able to tolerate sitting for most of the day (I do have a very, very high pain tolerance) he wants to do another on to see if it gives me relief with my vaginal/anal/perineum, etc. pain and then he can do pulsed radiofreequency nerve ablation to that area which should give longer relief. The good part of the ganglion impar injection is they keep you asleep for the duration of the injection, about 15 minutes from start to finish, so I did not have pain, unlike the nerve block which was excruciating!!!!

I never tried trigger point injection, I did have botox which helped somewhat but nothing significant enough that I want to try it again. Dr. Harris did suggest more botox and trigger point injections, but first we want to see how the hip surgery affects my pain and take it from there.


Re: Pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation dr NY area?

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:11 am
by beverley
shana: have you had another ganglar injection? I saw dr diwan today and he suggested that i have one but i had such a bad flare from the last nerve injection that i am really nervous about doing it. My pain level went up so much and i am nervous about more cortisone. keep us posted.

Re: Pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation dr NY area?

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:33 am
by shana
I'm having my second one tomorrow, Fri and I'm honestly really looking forward to it. My nerve blocks were disastrous, huge flares that never went back to pre-injection pain level, has been worse ever since. The ganglion impar injectio gave me amazing relief, I was able to sit for hours with just minimum pain. Now I'm back to not being able to sit without excruciating pain, which is even a bigger problem as I'm recuperating from bilateral hip surgery which makes it impossible to stand. Will keep you updated on how it goes.
