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Re: Bruising after TG Surgery

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:38 am
by AliPasha1
Hi Carla10,
Thank You very much. :D

I will just say this much that after my TIR surgery with Dr. Bautrant,I was in no position to go home the next day.I was a very satisfied patient as far as the post-Operation Care was concerned.Even after staying 5 days in the hospital,Dr. Bautrant visited me in my hotel and he didn't charge me anything.In addition,I went to his office at least 5 times after my surgery to see if there was any infection or complications from the surgery and it was free of charge.On the other hand,My Italian friend "Pierro" developed severe infections after the surgery and was put into hospital once again.Another friend recently developed some bumps on his private parts.

I had an excellent experience in Vienna,Austria as well.I was visited every hour by the nurses and the doctors to check my incision and any signs of infection.In fact, Dr. Oskar Aszmann's four year old daughter brought me flowers and gave me a kiss on my cheeks as a gesture for me to get well.

I am also aware of Dr. Hibner's patient's who developed severe infections after their surgery with him mostly because of the pain pump etc.Most of them had to stay at least a week in the hospital to get rid of those infections.I have seen the pictures of those infections and it isn't a pretty sight.Poor "Nervy.Joe" is one good example.

Dr. Hibner is an excellent surgeon,but things can happen.And that's what I am stating.I am sure Dr. Dellon is an excellent surgeon and I will let you know my experience if I have my surgery with him provided he doesn't divide mt ligaments without repairing them and can get successive outcomes :D If it wasn't for Dr. Dellon,we wouldn't have found that the anterior end of the Alcock's Canal isn't being decompressed or for that matter we have to thank both Dr . Aszmann and Dr. Dellon for their contribution in finding the dorsal/Perineal nerve decompression surgery.

If it wasn't for Dr. Hibner and his repairing of the Sacrotubeorus ligament and his other modifications,people would have still have their ligaments severed or divided like Professor Robert of Nantes and others who follow him blindly which has led to so many Pelvic instabilities in patients and some have even become worse from TG surgery.We also have to thank Dr. Hibner for flying all the way to Vienna and learning the dorsal Nerve decompresssion surgery from Dr. Aszmann and constantly modifying the surgery for better outcomes.

It isn't about my doctor or your doctor as some people are trying to indicate and have even refused to share information.If there are valid issues,I have expressed those.And if those people are rich enough,then they should open a "PNE fund" for patients who can't afford PNE surgery.

The botttom line is that we need better PNE results.33% to 40% success rates are pathetic results by any defination.Any doctor who can give a 80% or better results while decompresssing all the points of entrapment in the least invasive manner while his patients not developing any SIJD,Piriformis muscle syndrome etc wins this race.

All doctors need to collaborate and work collectively and share information with each other for the benefit of mankind.

I am just expressing my opinion regarding my post-surgical experiences both with Dr. Bautrant and Dr. Aszmann which were incredible. :D

Kind Regards,


I forgot to add the one and only Dr. Hollis Potter for helping identifying those points of entrapment.She is gem of a person.

Re: Bruising after TG Surgery

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:16 am
by LottaNerve
How is your sitting pain since your surgery?
Best Regards.

Re: Bruising after TG Surgery

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:37 am
by AliPasha1
Hi Lotta Nerve,
Not good.The dorsal nerve surgery wasn't going to help my sitting pain at ischial tuberosity.Dr. Aszmann has made it clear to me.

It has been almost four years since my fateful PN injection from Dr. Quesada and since that day I can't sit. :x :(

How about you?How are your symptoms now after your surgery especially sitting.Did you have pain the perenium or ischial tuberosity while sitting?

Kind Regards,

Re: Bruising after TG Surgery

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:36 am
by LottaNerve
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I had my first nerve block (unguided) from Dr. Weiss in 2006 which increased my nerve pain - it felt like the giant needle hit something in my hip. I had no idea it was possible to be injured from a nerve block.

My sitting pain now is along my incision where I'm still healing from my left-sided TG surgery - I can also be flared so that it hurts up by my sacrum on the left side, where Dr. Hibner worked to free the pudendal nerve from the sacrospinous ligament.

Like you, my dorsal/perineal surgery did not change my sitting pain, but it did free me from some of the agonizing 24/7 nerve pain I was living with.

Re: Bruising after TG Surgery

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 6:04 am
by AliPasha1
Dr. Weiss did my first nerve block and I did briefly feel the sitting pain at my ischial tuberosity for the first time in my life.Dr. Quesada just destroyed my life by doing the bilateral Nerve block amonth later.
These Nerve blocks do more harm than good.

You should improve now because theoretically your PN is full decompressed from the ischial Spine to the anterior end of the Alcock's Canal .I believe that the pain at the Sacrum could be well be from severing the Sacrospinous ligament which I am trying desperately to avoid.

Athena's mom is complaining of the same pain at the Sacrum.

I hope that you feel better soon.

Kind Regards,