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Groin pain

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:40 pm
by Faith
Those of you who have groin pain, what does it feel like? Ever since I tried ESWT and ART in Cornwall Canada with Dr. Andrew, I've been experiecing burning in my groin and upper hamstring area. My muscles in that area are very tight (as they are all over my body!), but I'm not sure if they are reacting to the pain or are causing the pain. I am also worried about genitofemoral neuralgia/entrapment now. Any flexion of my hip increase the pain, but really it's all the time whether standing or lying down.

Re: Groin pain

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:44 pm
by Jax87
Hi Faith,
I don't know anything about the genitofemoral nerve, but the groin pain feels basically like you describe it. It feels kinda tight, burning, and sore. Not like nerve pain, it's muscular, at least for me. Mine increases with walking or sitting, but its really about a 1-2 pain. I don't know what it would be like without meds. In a way, for me at least, I think those muscles are both reacting to and causing the pain if that makes any sense.

If it increases with hip flexion, I still think you should get a hip MRI. That's one of the first simple tests the doctor does for hip issues, they flex your hip to see if it increases your groin/joint pain at different angles. A lot of the ladies on the hip forums report groin pain too. You might want to check them out.

I will keep you posted as I hear more about hip/groin pain stuff. Hope this helps some.


Re: Groin pain

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:28 pm
by helenlegs 11
My groin pain is deep and achy and in a defined (groin) line although it doesn't actually 'join' to my hip, tho' my hip does hurt , it hurts more with a firm press at the side.
It usually develops sequentially, piriformis/buttock ache then some hip pain then groin although it sometime justs occurs when I have lain on my side for a while. This pain usually eases when I turn over but once the sequential pain is there, always from activity, it takes some time (and tablets) to subside.
Can't remember if you have had your hip checked faith? might be a good consideration as Jax said.
I'm pretty sure that in my case it's the piriformis with a possible SIJD component that is responsible. Sorry can't be any more help.
Take care,

Re: Groin pain

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:27 am
by Faith
Hi Sunil,

I have followed your case and looked at Peter Dornan's work. I do have SIJD thought to be due to ligament laxity. Unfortuantely I have not had success at "fixing" it as core strengthening flares up my PN/pelvic floor pain and my ligaments have been strained beyond the point of doing their job. Have thought about prolo, but am not sure this is the right thing for me. It is something I am exploring. I do think some of my groin pain is coming from the symphysis pubis. A new PT I went to a couple of weeks ago did a stretch of my hip flexors which really seems to have made the groin/pubic pain worse. I think they might have strained my inguinal ligmament now. I am hoping the burning in the groin area is just cross talk between the PN and maybe the genitofemoral. Massage does seem to help some.

Re: Groin pain

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:58 am
by knormal1