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yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:06 am
by kathyd
has anyone here every been told that an overgrowth of yeast could cause all these pudendal problems? Someone posted to me on Facebook and was seeing a homeopath who according to her, helped her by "detoxing" her of her yeast.. she said bad IC caused her anal pain too (which I never heard of) She was trying to help, but instead scared me.
After years of research I believe my ICwas caused by nerve issues as is my anal pain .
I have sometimes cultured with yeast overgrowth when my doc checks but rarely have any yeast symptoms. She did not believe in any diets!
I went that route a few years ago when my problems were only IC bladder related and saw a homeopathic doc or two ... and it was bad for me overall...caused huge weight loss as now I was eliminating not only acidic foods but carbs that were good for me, only cause they had yeast ! ( I am normally when well only 112 lbs ..gentically thin) I lost so much weight due to these diets and guess what.. no improvement in symptoms...
Every holistic doc I see would bring up the eliminaiion diets even tho I was rail thin... it was like a religion to them (hope I don't offend anyone). Anyway Ive never been able to gain the weight back,and don;t want to go there again.
Anyway they scared me so much I became afraid to eat anything (that could possibly have yeast and it took a long time for me to eat more normally again..
Every so often tho I hear from someone who saids PN IC etc are due to yeast overgrowth.
Because I do culture postive at times I often wonder if this is why I can't achieve pain relief? I don't believe in this deep down, but when someone brings it up it I get scared
as I cant afford elimation diets asI am now only 96 lbs from years of pain and fear. I will end up in the hosp for malnutrition!
Any thoughts?.I honeslty would like to put this yeast theory to rest as it only hurt me..
Moderators and experienced Pn'er what do you think? Thx soo much all.


Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:37 am
by Violet M
Wow, that's a tough one Kathy. Some docs believe in the yeast diagnosis and some don't when it comes to being the cause of various symptoms throughout the body. I was recently told by a physician that I have signs of candida in my throat but another doc said that is baloney. He is an immunologist and said to have some type of immune globlulin test to see if my immune system was too weak to fight off the yeast but I haven't done it yet. He says you don't get yeast infections unless you have a weak immune system. Anyway, I don't know who to believe. As far as being the cause of PNE I remember one gal who thought her PNE started due to a yeast infection but I know for me it was clearly a mechanical issue caused by weightlifting. None of the diets ever helped me and I'm thin also so I don't want to lose weight.

Sorry, I don't have any earthshaking answers other than to say I can understand your confusion. There is no way I can go on the cleansing diet and the candida diet as prescribed but I do avoid dessert and lots of breads. I try to eat a lot of fish and protein and lots of fresh veggies, nuts and beans. I think chicken and beef are OK too. Hope I haven't added to your confusion.


Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:48 pm
by HerMajesty
I think the connection between IC and anal pain, if not that both are caused directly by neuropathy, is that IC pain can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction which can lead to anal pain. I have had IC since age 14 and I have learned that it is a very catch-all diagnosis: I got it due to pelvic injury, 30% of IC petients seem to have it secondary to sjogren's syndrome, some seem to have a precipitating factor of a chemical exposure such as a wrongly maintained swimming pool, or a series of infections...Basically, saying IC is like saying "sore throat": It describes a set of symptoms, not a single syndrome. So whether your friend has yeast as an underlying factor is neither here nor there in my opinion.
As to elimination diets, my son got severe yeast overgrowth because of frequent courses of antibiotics and steroids he had to take for respiratory issues. His doctor did not change his diet at all, just gave him a course of probiotics and vitamins. That worked fine. So, if you are concerned about yeast FYI it can be eliminated without weight loss, and the #1 step is finding a good quality probiotic.
Also, many of us who have IC were put onto a series of antibiotics for "bladder infections" before being properly diagnosed: were you? If so, the yeast could be an effect of the antibiotic therapy, rather than a cause of any of your problems. My son was treated for the yeast overgrowth because it caused him chronic fatigue; no other symptoms.

Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:34 am
by Violet M
I've been taking probiotics HM, but it doesn't seem to be helping much. Is there a good brand you can recommend?

How was your son diagnosed with yeast and how did they know that's what was causing the chronic fatigue? I am hearing such conflicting things from the docs.


Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:42 pm
by HerMajesty
Hi Violet,
My son wound up needing sinus surgery and adenoid removal after a series of respiratory infections - the CAT scan of his sinuses was totally opaque. So it seemed like no mystery as to why his energy was dragging...except for when he was recovered from surgery and his sinuses were draining well, he was still tired all the time.
I cannot say 100% that yeast was the primary or only problem because his doc ran several blood tests and a stool test, and found his gut to be colonized with yeast as well as several vitamin deficiencies. I believe, thjough, that the two go hand in hand - not sure, but I don't think having an overabundance of yeast and not enough normal bacterial flora in your gut will allow for proper vitamin absorbtion. He was put on a regiman of probiotics and vitamins simultaneously though, so I can't say for sure that he wouldn't have gotten better on vitamins alone.
The brand of probiotics was specified by his doctor which i appreciated because i know there are a lot of them out there, and many seem questionable to me. The stuff we used was a Metagenics brand product called Proboulardi. I kept the bottle so I know what he took, but my eyesight isn't what it used to be so I am not going to type out the active ingredients. I'm sure you can find it online. It seems to contain 3 different organisms in large quantities.

Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:31 pm
by Jax87
Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about yeast based on what you have said. I was treated for yeast repeatedly with every manner of cream and pills over about a 1.5 year period for my vulvodynia. All it achieved was making the inflammation worse. The only thing that really helped the one time I actually tested positive for yeast was boric acid capsules intravaginally. They are much better because they are local and non-irritating. My doctor prescribed them. Eating normally and not stressing too much about yeast will probably reduce your overall stress. Good luck!

Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:40 am
by Violet M
Thanks, HM. I'll look it up the probiotic online. ;)


Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:27 pm
by kathyd
Thx folks for the all the info..
I appreciate it ..I need a good probiotic ., thanks for recommendation HM..There are so many out there you don't know what to buy and docs won't offer any advice on them in my experience


Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:56 pm
by ritak
I take a probiotic called Ultimate Flora 50 billion. I have had issues in the past and now with yeast infections. Now more for some reason. My Dr. recomends taking 2-3 of these a day on an empty stomach.Then reducing the amount when I do not have an infection. I also take Kyolic Garlic Candida Cleanse and Digestion. She recomended the digestive enzymes also.Then after a 2-3 months I am suppose to switch brands of the probiotic as your body gets used to them. I get mine from either Amazon or Vitacost, both online.This has helped me from getting reoccuringyeast infections.I also eat gluten free and limited dairy diet for reasons of overall pain.
Hopefully this will help for you.

Re: yeast and anal pain?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:04 pm
by kathyd
Hi Rita
Thanks for the probiotic recommendation
It does make sense to switch the probiotics once awhile.